APIS adds value to the existing cryptocurrency ecosystem by allowing easy entry and exit to masternode rewards. The majority of people owning cryptocurrency in the current market keep them in exchanges and often have no idea what a masternode is. If understood correctly, masternode investment can be very helpful and useful for those who are not very familiar or knowledgeable about plain trading. Masternode does not require much skills in investing so long as it is set up and is maintainable, because its rewards are automatically given. <br />
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However, the problem with the current cryptocurrency market is that 1) People do not know what masternode is, 2) even if they do know about masternode, individual investors usually do not have enough money to form a masternode by oneself, 3) those investors still have to overcome technical barriers if they were to initiate a masternode of their own. APIS aims to provide answers to these questions by informing people about the concept of a masternode, helping them invest with relatively low principle investment, and aiding individuals to form a masternode by helping them with technical difficulties. By doing so, APIS will be able to bring about more peopleβs participation to the world of cryptocurrency as well as the world of masternode. <br />
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In order to do so, APIS provides two solutions: first, the APIS native QRC-20 token that carries value within the APIS ecosystem to allow people's entry into pools of different masternode-capable coins; second, the online website and mobile application that facilitates easy setup of masternode through the use of APIS tokens. With the entire system in place, investors will be able to get APIS token as much as they want to invest in a specific masternode pool and gain principle plus the appropriate share of the block reward after the reward cycle with the relative ease of a few clicks.
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