iLink2Music is Uniting Artists, Executives & Music Lovers worldwide, regardless of their age, experience, race or beliefs, providing exclusive international music entertainment content, networking, events, contests, prizes, products & services. We also pledge live exclusive global concert/charity fund raising streaming online, as well as feature exceptional co-creation content designed to facilitate & revolutionize the management of online “way of life.”<br />
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The Company’s approach provides for a people-generated, user-driven structure. In this new environment (“Ecosystem”), the very concept of “producer” is blurred because anyone can broadcast to any number of people anywhere, from their loved ones to the entire planet. What this Ecosystem has lacked up until now is self-awareness (our members & partners are selfaware but the larger world is not) & a few core centralorganizing principles. We believe that both of these will be “emergent properties” if there is a serious effort to broaden.
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