LATAM Manufacturing Token will be developed to raise funds to expand our manufacturing projects and invest in new ones in developing countries.<br />
Token holders will receive quarterly dividends based on project revenues. These dividends will account for up to 25% of profits through each project.<br />
We will be releasing blocks of tokens only when new manufacturing projects are being developed or projects need funding to expand. This ensures that the market is not saturated with our token.<br />
We have real revenue producing companies and projects, and we want token holders to share in how successful our projects are!
We will be giving a total of 650,000 tokens ($257,500) for free to qualified participants.
Earn 10 tokens by completing the tasks below. Earn up to 40 more tokens by making referrals (10 tokens per referral). Please note, we will be checking that you have properly completed the tasks above, those who do not follow the rules will be disqualified.