First decentralized investment bank crowdfunded using blockchain technology. The investment fund will pay dividends to all of our Onasander ICO token holders, as percentage of profits will be quarterly distributed to those who invested in our company. <br />
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The investment fund will pay 10% dividend to all of our Onasander ONA token holders, as percentage of profits will be quarterly distributed to those who invested in our company. Onasander fund will turn regular profits, because of our experience, and because of its unique Asset Price Analysis Software called Onasander. <br />
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Our goal is to execute a very successful ICO, open up an investment fund, and take advantage of the upcoming stock recession, volatility, and price swings, all along benefitting our investors with dividends, and high token valuations. With time, the objective will be to manage wealth for our clients and grow the bank.<br />
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The climate for opening up an investment fund is perfect. We are living in interesting times. Free money flowing from central banks to in debt and bankrupt governments around the world created a major global bubble in many asset classes, where prices have reached an extreme. We are standing in front of an opportunity to open up a financial institution and make tremendous financial gains right from the start. The upcoming recession in the world financial markets will create price volatility, and opportunities for years to come. Using our unique Onasander trading software, we can foresee price movements and benefit from it. <br />
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The Asset Price Analysis Software is the key to our success. Our market tools developed over two decades have no competition in the financial world. They allow us to predict market moves, see upcoming recessions, identify bubbles, find major tops, spot asset price bottoms, and successfully trade in all market conditions.
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