Welcome to Tatau's Token Challenge. Join our community and unlock your rewards.
Connect to the Community.
Join Tatau’s
Telegram group and start engaging! Make sure you stay in the group until the end of the challenge.
Twitter FanShow us your love and get all of our latest updates by following Tatau on
Twitter. Make sure you keep following us until the end of the challenge.
Linked-in!Connect to Tatau by following us on
Linkedin. Get our latest news and help the community grow.
Help A FriendReach out and help a fellow community member by answering their question on Telegram.
Spark A ConversationGet them talking! Be a part of a conversation in Telegram by sending at least 10 engaging messages back and forth.
Community BuilderHelp the community grow! Invite 3 of your friends to the group using the ‘Add Member’ feature. Make sure your friends stay until the end of the challenge!
Participation RewardTake part and play in the on-going trivia game in our Telegram group. You have 10 minutes for each question.
Trivia WinnerParticipate and WIN in a trivia session on Tatau’s Telegram group.
Community ArchitectGet 5 more friends in (8 in total)! Add them to Tatau’s Telegram and make sure they stay until the end of the challenge.
Challenge WinnerShow off to your friends! Only members that completed all other achievements can unlock this ultimate one.
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