Your personal data is being traded daily, often without your consent or knowledge. The EU Commission predict the value of the EU data market to reach €1tn by 2020. YDS intends to disrupt this multi-billion € industry.<br />
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YDS gives control of personal data back to the rightful owner by allowing you to create a personal pure data profile that grants 3rd party use for targeted marketing. You always retain control of your data via a self-sovereign wallet. Personally identifiable information is securely encrypted & never passed on to 3rd parties, giving you ultimate peace of mind.<br />
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Users will be rewarded in our native ERC20 YDS Token each time their data is used, a complete paradigm to the existing model. YDS currently operates within the GDPR space which enables us to offer clients GDPR training, data consultancy & DPO services.<br />
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Our mission is simple; change the way consumer data is handled & traded via the redistribution of value, allowing personal data to be used & monetised for targeted marketing & advertising.
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