1Pool.finance is a decentralized money market protocol built on the Ethereum Mainnet and Binance Smart Chain. 1Pool establishes 'money markets' for lending, borrowing and yield aggregation. Existing DeFi platforms such as Compound and Aave allows lending and borrowing of only the standard digital assets such as BTC, ETH and BCH. The distinction of 1POOL protocol is that it collateralizes Liqudity Provider ( LP tokens) and facilitates decentralized lending and borrowing of both LP tokens and other standard digital assets. Using 1Pool lending protocol, users can obtain a loan against selected LP tokens. LP token collateralization effectively opens up a vast hitherto untapped $ multi-billion market of digital assets.
1Pool’s cross chain money market protocol is seamlessly connected by the 1Pool token bridge.
1Pool Yield aggregator is already live on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. It automatically farms selected LP tokens and stand-alone digital assets to generate the most competitive APY in the industry. Polygon and Fantom networks would be added to 1POOl Mainnet in Q4
1Pool Lending Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain lending protocol built on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain to facilitate on-chain lending and borrowing of selected LP tokens and stand-alone digital assets. The users ( Lenders) can earn interest on their digital assets by providing supported digital assets to the protocols. Borrowers can obtain a loan by providing selected digital assets, which would include stand-alone assets,i.e. BTC, ETH, DOT and selected LP tokens. Interest rates are adjusted algorithmically by the protocol.
1POOL Governance Token is the native token of the 1POOL ecosystem. The platform participants, i.e. yield aggregators, lenders and borrowers would receive 1POOL tokens pro-rata for their usage of the platform. '1POOL' governance token entails both voting rights in the platform governance and a claim for a percentage of revenue through staking of 1POOL.
Vaults and Pools addresses: https://1pool.gitbook.io/1pool-finance/vaults-and-pools
Smart contracts, minters, and deployers: https://1pool.gitbook.io/1pool-finance/1pool-smart-contracts
Official ETH addredd