

ALIS is a social media platform which provides our customers with reliable information from experts in no time. We were inspired by STEEM ( and their billions of evaluations to create a media platform specialized for the Japanese market. Our mission is to filter through the myriad of advertising and stealth marketing campaigns. Our goal is to provide more reliable information than traditional media outlets.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
ICO Time: 01 Sept 2017 - 01 Oct 2017
Country: Japan
Token info
Ticker: ALIS
Platform: Ethereum
Available for sale: 250,000,000 ALIS
Total supply: 75,200,000 ALIS
Raised $ 3,895,710
ICO Price: ≈ 0.0983 USD
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: 11666 ETH
Hard cap: 125000 ETH
Screenshots taken on 4 Feb 2018
Next three months
Release the MVP which users can touch Create an WF and design User hearing Make lots of fans on twitter Scout team members
Next six months
ALIS platform beta release Marketing plan for ALIS platform
Next year
List ALIS on Japanese exchange List ALIS on poloniex poloniex
Next three years
Prepare ALIS' global going Disrupt referral sites and raise ALIS' value as cryptocurrency Deploy a feature which lets people use different cryptocurrencies on ALIS Rebrand and PR ALIS with work style reform (which is national policy)
Masahiro Yasu
Founder / CEO
No participating data
Takashi Mizusawa
Co-Founder / CMO
No participating data
Sota Ishii
Co-Founder / CTO
No participating data
Tatsuhiko Kamei
Legal department
No participating data
Kenta Nakamura
Media and Mass communication
No participating data

Advisors (0)

ICO List
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