Every technological revolution that has stood the test of time has passed through two critical gates. The first is discovery; the idea is conceived of, or discovered by chance, and a new technological possibility is born. However for any discovery to be of consequence for humanity, it must pass through the second gate: application. Almost as great a leap forward as the uncovering of new tech, is its harnessing in the service of human advancement, and direct application to the improvement of the lives of real people.
Launch of the ICO Pre-sale<br />
Pre-ICO<br />
Bounty and Affiliate Programs<br />
Development process of the BaltiCrypto Mining Farm.
Q3 2018
ICO<br />
Updating for Audit and legal processes<br />
Purchasing and setting up the initial equipment for the mining farm.<br />
BCT tokens to be listed on Public Exchange and Coinmarketcap.
Fully operational mining farm with up to 10000 miners<br />
Start Reward Pool & SMART Reward Centre Programs<br />
BaltiCrypto Debit Card<br />
Renewable Energy Park
Q3 2019
First SMART Impact Project
Q4 2019
The development process of the BaltiCrypto University and Blockchain Centre.