CFX Quantum brings you a Wallet and Exchange where the user can BUY, STORE, or EXCHANGE Crypto and CFXQ Token with a few clicks using fiat currency and credit/debit card.
All the functionality to send and receive and control the value of a portfolio of major cryptos, the CFQX Token, and a special credit token for the Ambassadors of ATS Sharing co.
The wallet has the most modern security requirements for mobile, fingerprint and pin access, and private keys are not stored within the app, so losing the phone or a hack will not harm your account.
From here, you can refer others, have the support of CFX Quantum, and access all services, including ZEROONE and CFX Finance, the fiat trading company.
Nearby developments include the management of a debit card directly from the app and a link to other investment and banking services.
The initial concept and testing of HATS (Highly Advanced Trading System) begins with Marco Mottana and his partners.<br />
Formation of CFX Holding Ltd and CFX Advanced Ltd. Enrollment of ICO/STO Financial Advisors, Legal Team, and Blockchain advisors.
June, 2018 - June, 2020
CFX HATS, Sentiment and Surf Development by CFX Advanced Ltd Malta.<br />
Creation of the Logo and name “CFX,” CFX “HATS,” CFX “Sentiment Index,” The “Surf Fund,” and testing of HATS.
Oct - November, 2018
Launch of CFX trademark and his concepts @ Malta Blockchain summits and Sigma Summit.
July, 2019
The concept of Roboadvisory 4.0 and the broker-exchange services to support HATS.
February, 2020
The Q-HATS concept is born, beginning of dealings with Fujitsu and a university research group.
April, 2020
Setup of CFX Finance Ltd in the United Kingdom
May, 2020
The agreements with Pairstech Asset Management and Swissquote were made to put HATS in practice in the fiat world.
June, 2020
Development of CFX Wallet and Exchange on Mobile with internal and external resources.
July, 2020
All the development and trademarks from CFX Advanced are bought by CFX Quantum Ltd.<br />
Beginning of private placement reserved for ATS Sharing, CFX Finance Ltd, UK, and early supporters entourage.
August, 2020
The beginning of beta testing on the wallet and exchange app.
September, 2020
IEO<br />
CFX Token Assignments and Listing on LATOKEN Exchange
October 1st, 2020
Starting of campaigns and delivery of ZEROONE for token holders