

Cointorox is a digital piggy-bank allowing users to easily jump into the world of cryptocurrencies. Whenever a user purchases the ‘Savings Packages’ on a monthly basis or as a one-off payment, their savings are automatically converted and stored as cryptocurrencies. Users can request to withdraw their savings in USD or coins (exported as wallet private keys).
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
ICO Time: 15 Nov 2018 - 13 Jan 2019
Token info
Ticker: OROX
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20
Available for sale: 7,000,000 OROX (70%)
Total supply: 5,525,108.000 OROX
Raised $ 1,141,595
ICO Price: ≈ 0.48 USD
Accepting: ETH
Hard cap: 17,500 ETH
Parntership with cryptocurrency wallet applications.<br /> <br /> Development of a comprehensive dashboard based p2p exchange.<br /> <br /> Official launch of airdrop central and merchandise store.<br /> <br /> Partnerships with manufacturers to produce merchandise store products.<br />
Development at a simple android app featuring the piggy-bank dashboard.<br /> <br /> Launch of blockchain based games.<br /> <br /> Launch of incentive based savings packages (revenues sharing program). Marketing team expansion.<br /> <br /> Establishing partnerships with online e-commerce stores to accept OROX.<br />
Partnerships with online banking platforms to expand payment processing needs.<br /> <br /> Development at a vendor marketplace where OROX can be used as a form of payment.<br /> <br /> 20 additional projects reviewed and listed on savings packages.<br /> <br /> Partnership with additional exchanges.
Yogesh Padsals
Blockchain Developer
Participates in a number of projects
Jan Emil Christiansen
Community Manager
Participates in a number of projects
Edward Mihir
Marketing Manager
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (0)

ICO List
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The founders of Potentiam have worked in music management for a number of years and realise and understand the difficulties involved in promoting new emerging music artists. In 2016 they founded a music publication Britznbeatz to help discover and promote musicians which continues to gain respect and recognition in the industry.
"People can, DAO's do. Candao mission is to create a platform where individuals with the same business and social goals can come together to inspire, engage and build values together. Candao unlock people’s superpowers and let them tokenize the value they create, liquefy assets, connect existing ones, bring people together in order to build joint ventures, distribute profits between all involved people and unlock the value of everyone who plays different roles in everyday life."
Ravelous is the crypto ecommerce marketplace that lets users sell their stuff online for crypto. Sellers can accept many types of payments from buyers, and withdraw your balance in the token of their choosing. Buyers who do not have the currency the sellers prefer can exchange their coins for RAVE tokens which used for payment. The RAVE tokens can also be traded for other coins, and will have a value backed by the crypto-marketplace and the RAVE treasury that will increase over time as the treasury grows in value.
The Svandis ecosystem is driven by a community of users and researchers using powerful Svandis tools, analytics, and indicators for professional traders in need of real-time, actionable data and analyses. The Svandis community drives the rapid collection of verifiable data and information through a tokenized incentive system. The platform within the ecosystem provides leading financial research, analytical and visualisation tools for anyone actively involved in the space: short-term and swing traders, traditional holders, analysts, hedge funds, institutional investors, trading firms, and token sale contributors.
Gym Rewards
The GYM rewards app rewards you for exercising at the GYM by introducing Proof of Exercice to the blockchain. The more you exercise at the GYM, the more GYM Coins you will earn. GYM Coins are redeemable at your local participating gyms and will be tradable at participating cryptocurrency exchanges.
Quantler is a blockchain for creating, analysing, sharing and running of decentralized structured investment products. Create structured products (such as an ETF) in equities or cryptocurrencies using themes. As there are a lot of the tokenized products being launched (currently over 1 900 available) the structured products for these assets are lacking behind (such as sector-based ETFs). Using Quantler’s blockchain anyone can create structured products (for regular assets such as Equities and cryptocurrencies) and run them on a decentralized network (much like smart contracts). Quantler also allows for regular assets, for this market Quantler’s solution is more flexible and has a lower costs base (targeted for exchanges, family offices and investment managers). The QUANT token’s intrinsic value is dependent on the AUM (asset under management) by the entire network. Quantler is like a Vanguard or BlackRock, but then in the form of a network.