

FirstBlood is a blockchain based eSports platform that allows players to directly challenge each other to matches and win rewards.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
ICO Time: 25 Sept 2016 - 26 Sept 2016
Country: USA
Token info
Ticker: 1ST
Platform: Ethereum
Total supply: 93,468,691 1ST
Raised $ 5,500,000
ICO Price: ≈ 0.08 USD
Accepting: ETH
Screenshots taken on 4 Feb 2018
Joe Zhou
Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder
No participating data
Zack Coburn
Chief Blockchain Architect & Co-founder
No participating data
Anik Dang
Software Engineer & Co-founder
No participating data
Marco Cuesta
Head of Bizdev & Co-founder
No participating data
Dan Temkin
No participating data
Andrej Fodor
Product Manager
No participating data
Robert Botto
Marketing Manager
No participating data
Luka Podlesnik
Fullstack Engineer
No participating data
Jernej Medved
Frontend Engineer
No participating data
Taj Pelc
Fullstack Engineer
No participating data
Denis Cahuk
Full Stack Engineer
No participating data
Frane Gorjanc
Design Lead
No participating data
Auryn Macmillan
Community Director
No participating data

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