Gagsty Token

Gagsty Token

Gagsty token is inevitable part of Gagsty ecosystem. Users can diversify the use of Gagsty token for various crypto ecosystem.

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Dates: TBA
Token info
Ticker: Gagsty
Platform: Binance Chain
APRIL 2023
Concept<br /> Concept, Idea & Design prototype development<br /> Seed Funding Round<br /> Outreaching to private investors<br />
MAY 2023-AUGUST 2023
Presales<br /> Private Round<br /> Whitepaper Launch<br /> Series A funding round<br /> Events and Exhibitions<br /> Community Events and Competition<br />
Big Marketing<br /> 30,000 telegram members<br /> Airdrop Contest<br /> Series B funding round<br /> Partnerships and sponsorships<br /> Events and Exhibitions<br /> Community Events and Competition<br /> Website Development - news/event/dapps<br />
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