Cloud mining – it is a process of extracting of crypto currency, using remote data center, where you can receive income without big risks when investing, to be exact, extracting of crypto currency on equipment installed remotely.
The first stage of the project is conducting of public token sale. Token sale will take place of one stage in 30 days.
Q1 2018 Data-Center Organization
After completion of ICO, we will purchase the site area and equipment to organize the data center.
Q2 2018 Launch Of Data-Center
Site area preparation, installation and configuration of equipment, commissioning of data center.
Q2 2018 Beginning of Payments
Beginning of mining to ensure payments for investors according to marketing plan. Profit reinvestment for further development of data-center and acquisition of additional equipment.
Q3 2018 - Q1 2019 Planned Project Capacity
Expansion of data center within the project. The capacity of equipment is sufficient for operation of cloud mining service. Each token (CELL) is provided with hash-power in HashHive service.
Q3 2018 - Q1 2019 Launch of Cloud Mining
Creating application for mobile devices. Design and configuration of web interface. Launch of cloud mining.