For projects in the creative arts, crowdfunding is notoriously difficult.
Traditional crowdfunding platforms have lower success rates for creative or design related projects because they are pitched against other highly competitive categories (e.g. technology). At LiveTree we exclusively support creative projects so your chances of success are much greater.
- First repurchase of seed<br />
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- First pre-made content sold through blockchain<br />
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- Early adopters form initial peer-to-peer community
Crowdfund - Month 6-12
- Migrates existing crowdfunding business from LiveTree to ADEPT<br />
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- Seed repurchase using crowdfunding fees and Branch advertising
Network - Month 10-18
- Migrates existing 14000+ supplier/contract network<br />
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- Smart contracts for all project team members<br />
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- Introduces unique IP ad share of future sales fund models
Blossom TV: Indie - Month 12-24
Ground breaking pre-pay-to-view model launched enabling fans to pre-purchase film & TV they want to be made.