While existing solutions offer to solve just one problem at a time, our team is up to build a secure, useful, & easy-to-use product based on private blockchain. It will include easy cryptocurrency payments integration, and even a digital arbitration system.
At the end, Our aims to integrate all companies, employees, and business assets into a unified blockchain ecosystem, which will make business truly efficient, transparent, and reliable.
Lumenus health is the platform that will be developed in the field of health in particular to better the relationship between health care and service users when relating to health problems. At this time, general patient data including electronic medical record (EMR) of patients are only stored for patients and not by the patients.
In fact, patients should seek medical history (EMR) as based on the accordance of medicine. It's no surprise to see hospitals give lame excuses for patients not owning health history (EMR).
LUMENUS Profile connect professionals and companies in need of their services.maximize potentials beyond a unexpected point with minimized cost. Finding your dream job will be made swift and way easier than you could ever envisage. Which is why our platform being the right check for you to get verification. Potential employers are equally beneficiaries on this platform.
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