The intuitive usability of the Nimiq Blockchain is following the fundamental idea which every commercial payment provider is following: Their product design shows crystal clear that a frictionless payment process is the most important value to customers, because only if it is so easy that it leaves you without any big question marks, you feel confident to trust their technology with your money in your daily life.
Initial Research + Experiments<br />
Researched state-of-the-art web-based Blockchain technology and recognized the untapped potential.
January - February 2017
First Prototypes of Blockchain<br />
Developed the first proof-of-concept of browser-based Blockchain in only 1000 lines of ES6 code.
March - June 2017
Alpha Version of Blockchain<br />
Excited by these results formed a top-notch team, developed the first feature-complete alpha version, and launched a private Beta Testnet.
June 2017
Launch Public Testnet + Ecosystem<br />
On June 2, launched public Beta Testnet, and the world's first browser-based Blockchain came alive.
June 28, 2017
Token Sale<br />
To fund further development of the protocol and ecosystem Nimiq opened a token sale on June 28.
Q4 2017
Complete Blockchain + Ecosystem<br />
Implement ASIC-resistance and infrastructure for the Lightning Network and P2P-Exchange. Build a strong community.
December 2017
Launch Mainnet + Ecosystem<br />
Publish the official Genesis Block and launch the official Nimiq Mainnet.
Harden + Expand the Ecosystem<br />
This is where the real fun begins.