The REPU system (abbreviated from English – "reputation") is a revolutionary project that allows you to completely rethink the way social networks are perceived. REPU is a rating and feedback system based on decentralized blockchain technology. Technology allows you to completely replace the system of “likes” with the rating - both for users and for companies. The rating, subsequently, can be used as an assessment tool in various areas of the individual’s life - starting with professional skills, financial stability, and ending with all possible aspects of behavior and interaction with the public.

(weight: 45%)


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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Bounty: Bounty
Dates: TBA
Country: Ukraine
Token info
Ticker: REPU
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20
Available for sale: 100,000,000 REPU (80%)
Pre-sale Price : 1 REPU = 0.07 USD
ICO Price: 1 REPU = 0.047 - 0.07 USD
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: 3000 ETH
Hard cap: 30000 ETH
Q4 2016
Reputation management and social networks – global market analysis. <br /> <br /> Development of the primary idea of the platform.
Q1 2017
Team building<br /> <br /> Development of the project concept<br /> <br /> Development of prototypes<br /> <br /> Initial financing
Q2 2017
Studying blockchain in terms of platform integration perspective<br /> <br /> Risk analysis, associated with blockchain<br /> <br /> The start of the platform development
Q3 2017
Platform integration with blockchain<br /> <br /> Closed alpha testing of the platform<br /> <br /> ICO market analysis
Q4 2017
Whitepaper Development<br /> <br /> Smart Contract Development
Q1 2018
Pre-ICO<br /> <br /> ICO
Q2 2018
Closed beta testing of the platform among ICO participants<br />
Q3 2018
Public testing of the beta version of the platform<br />
Q4 2018
Platform release<br />
Screenshots taken on 6 Feb 2018
Maksym Tkach
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Maksym Lenets
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Bohdan Pavlyshenko
Chief Delivery Officer
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Maksym Trostyanchuk
Mobile Solutions Manager
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Nazar Ivanchuk
Technical Lead
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Viktor Skabiak
Middle Android Software Engineer
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Yuriy Pyrko
Python Software Engineer
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Oleksandr Samborskiy
PHP/Angular developer
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Constantine Mizgirov
QA Lead
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Danylo Pidhainyi
QA Engineer
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Igor Marckevych
Chief Legal Officer
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Leonid Pokrova
Legal & Compliance
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Maksym Ivanyshyn
Legal & Compliance
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Alla Macewicz
Legal & Compliance
No participating data

Advisors (9)

Kos Chekanov
Participates in a number of projects
Juan Otero
Participates in a number of projects
Vasileios A. Pasparas
Participates in a number of projects
Anton Gerasimov
Participates in a number of projects
Peter Zhalov
Participates in a number of projects
Samuel Dionne
Participates in a number of projects
Tom Budd
Participates in a number of projects
Manish Patel
Blockchain Advisor
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Dinesh Desu
Participates in a number of projects
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Little Phil
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