Scopuly SKY

Scopuly SKY

SCOPULY works on Stellar blockchain and is a fully decentralized platform. <br /> <br /> Stellar is focused on a specific task: fast, reliable and low-cost transactions for a large number of users. It is faster cheaper and more reliable for users of services that will be launched in Scopuly. Scopuly allows the user to safely store and instantly transfer crypto-currency assets, issue their own crypto tokens, launch ICO campaigns, invest in ICO projects, and also trade crypto assets on a decentralised SDEX exchange in real time. People can safely store, attract, spend, pay, and exchange crypto-currency assets in one convenient and safe application. Scopuly has its own crypto asset - SKY.<br /> <br /> Maintaining token demand will be ensured by the fact that it is only possible to attract financing for ICO projects in Scopuly only in SKY tokens and in no other assets. SKY's tokens are always available on crypto exchanges for trade / exchange. We also have the Scopuly referral scheme, when someone activates a bonus program from the users referral code, they get 10% from each activation.
Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Pre-sale Time: 01 July 2018 - 01 Aug 2018
ICO Time: 01 Aug 2018 - 01 Apr 2019
Country: Russia
Token info
Ticker: SKY
Platform: Stellar
Token Type: Stellar
Available for sale: 5,000,000,000 SKY (50%)
Total supply: 9,999,998,001 SKY
ICO Price: ≈ 0.002 USD
Accepting: XLM
Hard cap: 28000000 USD
Screenshots taken on 1 Sep 2018
May 2017
ESTIMATION AND ANALYSIS OF THE CRYPTO MARKET.<br /> <br /> Conducting an assessment of the future market and analysis of the technological stack for the implementation of a multipurpose decentralized<br /> <br /> cryptographic platform for: tokenization, multicurrency<br /> <br /> payments, decentralized trade, holding and participation in ICO projects.
July 2017
PROJECT CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT. Primary round of financing. Search for the most effective blockchain and algorithms for the implementation of tokenization processes, ICO-financing and decentralized trade in assets. Concept development.
September 2017
SCOPULY PROTOTYPE. Development of a project prototype. Testing public blockchain (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Nem, Stellar, IOTA...). Stellar blockchain was chosen as it is able to solve current problems of cryptoeconomic market
January 2018
CRYPTOCURRENCY WALLET . Development of secure wallet with local encryption of private keys and multi-signatures. Applications are implemented for OS: Android, iOS.
June 2018
ICO-PLATFORM AND ISSUE OF SKY TOKENS. Implementation of the ICO platform and token release on Stellar blockchain. Preparation of the system for carrying out the crowdfunding ICO campaigns.
July 2018
START Pre-ICO.<br /> <br /> Pre-ICO campaign, during which 6% of all SKY tokens will be distributed. Referral bonus program.
August 2018
START ICO. ICO campaign, during which 44% of all SKY tokens will be distributed. Referral bonus program.
September 2018
DECENTRALIZED TRADE IN CRYPTOASSETS (SDEX)<br /> <br /> Launch of the decentralized trading platform for Stellar<br /> <br /> Assets.
October 2018
TOKENIZATION<br /> <br /> (USER EMISSION OF<br /> <br /> TOKENS)<br /> <br /> Launching of asset<br /> <br /> tokenization tools - the<br /> <br /> installation of tokens'<br /> <br /> descriptions by a smart<br /> <br /> contract, user token<br /> <br /> emission with the<br /> <br /> release of tokens to the<br /> <br /> Scopuly SDEX<br /> <br /> exchange.
November 2018
ICO/CROWDFUNDING<br /> <br /> Launching tools for<br /> <br /> creating and conducting<br /> <br /> ICO projects.<br /> <br /> Implementation of the<br /> <br /> functionality of fundraising<br /> <br /> for start-ups<br /> <br /> during ICO campaigns
December 2018
MULTICURRENCY<br /> <br /> P2P PAYMENTS<br /> <br /> In addition to the<br /> <br /> possibility, almost<br /> <br /> instantly, to transfer<br /> <br /> crypto-currency assets<br /> <br /> to any point of the<br /> <br /> planet without any<br /> <br /> intermediaries, the<br /> <br /> opportunity will be<br /> <br /> made to make<br /> <br /> multicurrency<br /> <br /> payments based on<br /> <br /> Stellar blockchain.
January 2019
GLOBAL SCALE<br /> <br /> Marketing programs.<br /> <br /> Large-scale attraction of<br /> <br /> users for the active use of<br /> <br /> Scopuly platform services<br /> <br /> in life and<br /> <br /> business.
March 2019
MARKET ANALYSIS<br /> <br /> AND IMPROVEMENTS<br /> <br /> OF TRADE AND ICO<br /> <br /> Implementation of more<br /> <br /> detailed statistics and<br /> <br /> interactive trading charts<br /> <br /> of market activity of<br /> <br /> tokens.<br /> <br /> Creation of custom<br /> <br /> trading pairs. Full cycle of<br /> <br /> creating and conducting<br /> <br /> ICO.
May 2019
CROSS-PLATFORMS<br /> <br /> Development of desktop<br /> <br /> clients for MacOS,<br /> <br /> Windows, Linux. Scopuly<br /> <br /> will be present on all<br /> <br /> popular OS.
July 2019
DEVELOPMENT OF THE<br /> <br /> PLATFORM<br /> <br /> FUNCTIONALITY<br /> <br /> Expansion of financial<br /> <br /> services: tokenmarketplace,<br /> <br /> passive<br /> <br /> trade in assets, crossasset,<br /> <br /> multicurrency<br /> <br /> transactions, multisignatures,<br /> <br /> smart<br /> <br /> contracts, decentralized<br /> <br /> trade in real time,<br /> <br /> extended issue of tokens<br /> <br /> and much more.
GLOBAL<br /> <br /> CRYPTOCURRENCY<br /> <br /> AVAILABILITY<br /> <br /> Many other things that<br /> <br /> will be called upon to<br /> <br /> greatly improve the<br /> <br /> financial cryptoaccessibility<br /> <br /> on the whole<br /> <br /> planet and even beyond it<br /> <br /> in the 24/7 mode.
Vladimir Parmon
Software Architect and Blockchain Developer Co-Founder
Participates in a number of projects
Alexander Parmon
Head of Digital Marketing/ Co-Founder
Participates in a number of projects
Anna Rozantseva
Chief Strategy Planning Officer
Participates in a number of projects
Dmitri Matushkin
Chief engineer and technical officer
Participates in a number of projects
Veronica Bureeva
Public Relations Officer
Participates in a number of projects
Evgeni Kozich
Senior Full Stack, mobile and blockchain developer
Participates in a number of projects
Liudmila Dolgih
Social Media Marketing Manager
Participates in a number of projects
Alexei Seliavkin
Front end Developer
Participates in a number of projects
Alexei Inutkin
Front end Developer
Participates in a number of projects
Alexei Krutov
Senior web Developer
Participates in a number of projects
Alexander Kovalev
Marketing – Traffic Manager
Participates in a number of projects
Alexei Runov
Back end Developer
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (6)

Raghu Bala
Participates in a number of projects
Andrey Voronkov
Participates in a number of projects
Jefrey Gomez
Participates in a number of projects
Jonathan Fianu
Participates in a number of projects
Will Bryant
Participates in a number of projects
Petr Myachin
Participates in a number of projects
ICO List
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