SNTX will be a vehicle for the crypto traders to bring profitablity and liquidity in their crypto trading. This IEO is registered in Malta and it is going to be a gamechanger for each trader. Sentexchange is going to launch this token through a crowdsale, once this event is over, SNTX token will be listed on its parent platform. This platform has been introduced to drive crypto technology right into the mainstream and it is going to achieve this watershed with all its investors across the globe.
Sentexchange is a crypto trading platform which brings forth some pioneering solutions to the crypto traders. It makes the trading experience better for every single cryto token holder and makes the most of the decentralized technologies. It uses the peer-to-peer architecture and makes the transactions highly secure and anonymous to the hilt. It has not just made the trading more efficient, it has also brought the benefits that were absolutely inaccessible and untapped by the entire cryptosphere.