We like that the conversion rate of our services continues to grow. By seeing things as insiders, we understand that high conversion rates are achieved by maintaining dozens of landing pages that match di erent audiences, which requires a lot of resources to support them, analyze the incoming data, search and implement hypotheses for improvement, and so on. And we see that automation is the thing of the future.
Based on this vision, we are preparing the next stage in the web development: websites will become “smarter” by providing benefits (personalization and better user experiences) to both their visitors and owners thanks to conversion growth and lower marketing costs.
Goals. Just like any other established business, we dream about scaling and expanding the spheres of influence. For two years, we’ve been investing into the development of the uKit builder and uKit AI R&D by taking funds from our own earnings. But it’s a long and winding road. Attracting external financing is a typical move that allows us to increase development, take products to the next stage of public testing, and then, finally, a stable release. However the classical fund-raising models have their drawbacks — long negotiations with foundations and the loss of a degree of control over the product’s future by the team. Through an ICO we would like to accelerate the release of uKit AI 2.0. to market and accomplish the project’s mission.
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