UNCHAINET connects underutilized server resources with clients who need them. Our blockchain protocols govern the network, align provider incentives with computing resource quality giving choices and transparency to the cloud client market.
The Beginning. Research.Building the team. Whitepaper and console demo. Strategic partnerships.
April 2018
MVP. Launch of platform MVP.
Q3 2018
UNET pre-sale starts. $500k raised.
Q4 2018
Cloud platform GA. UNET pre-sale. Launch of cloud platform for public. Launch of Unchainet blockchain test networks. Building B2B sales team. UNET pre-sale start.
Q1 2019
Blockchain Launch. Launch of main blockchain network. Launch of additional services (DB, serverless, BaaS, CDN. Technical consultant training.
Q3 2019
Network and quality growth. Service ready for mission critical workloads. Large network of providers. Large network of implementation consultants. 3rd party blockchain apps.