WhitePigeon will build its own blockchain and will tokenise the payment method currently required by consumers as a means to buy commodities from the merchants.
We at WhitePigeon firmly believe that in order for crypto-currencies to become more than merely a speculative asset, it needs to be used by more users and merchants.
Team Setup, Launch of WhitePigeon Website<br />
Marketing & Promotion<br />
Launch of MVP - WP Switch Digital Wallet
Q2 2021
Pre ICO & Public ICO<br />
Infrastructure ready for Blockchain Development<br />
Exchange Listings
Q3 2021
Blockchain Development
Q1 2022
WhitePigeon TestNet Available<br />
Bug Testing and Bounty Events
Q2 2022
WhitePigeon MainNet Available<br />
Swap from ERC20 to native WhitePigeon Coin
Q3 2022
Enhanced WhitePigeon Mobile Wallet with inbuild Expense tracker<br />
WhitePigeon Desktop Wallet with Ledger Support, Expense tracker
Q4 2022
Merchant Onboarding and Marketing<br />
Integration of Merchant Finder in both Mobile and Desktop Wallet<br />
Exclusive WhitePigeon Crypto card Availability