Zebra DAO

Zebra DAO

Zebra DAO is a solution that combines a DAO system with NFTs platforms to let users enjoy the advantages of decentralized governance and to put an end to organizational hierarchy. Our goal is to improve transparency and automation in the way NFT platforms are governed so that all users can actively decide, vote and contribute to the management of DAOs.

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Pre-sale Time: 02 Oct 2022 - 05 Oct 2022
Token info
Ticker: ZEBRA
Platform: Binance Chain
Token Type: BEP-20
Soft cap: 50 BNB
Q3 & Q4 2021
Creation & inception of the Zebra DAO project. Setting up of an experienced team.<br /> Released & Zebra DAO project start. Development of an API, development MVP (Branding, Design, White Paper…).<br /> Smart Contract Development, verified contract & Audit.<br /> Phase 2<br /> <br />
Q1 2022
Setting up partnerships and connecting with partners.<br /> First API test, infrastructure testing & blockchain integration.<br /> KYC + Audit Badges on PinkSale.<br /> Phase 3<br /> <br />
Q2 & Q3 2022
First Marketing Push for Fair Launch (mainly banners on targeted sites and promotions on social networks).<br /> Fair Launch starts on PinkSale. Start on 10/02/2022 at 5:00pm (UTC) and end on 10/05/2022 at 5:00pm (UTC).<br /> Initial launch of the Zebra DAO token (DEX listing). Key partnerships, several marketing campaigns.<br /> Phase 4<br /> <br />
Q4 2022
First CEX listing & adding a new liquidity on a second DEX.<br /> DAO-enabled NFTs platform introduction with a system of rewards and yields.<br /> Global adoption activities, full development of our API & DApps integration.<br /> Phase 5<br /> <br />
Q1 & Q2 2023
Bug bounty program, governance tool, Zebra NFTs.<br /> Mainnet release, NFTs games support & first NFTs use case.<br /> New CEX listings & new Smart Contract Audit (Certik).<br /> Phase 6<br /> <br />
Metaverse connection, redesign of website & Expended API.<br /> Introducing Zebra DAO philanthropy, New listing on CEX. Obtaining new partnerships & partners.<br /> New Roadmap announcement with new concrete goals to achieve.
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