Blockchain development<br>Bitblock is a professional services firm that contributes in a wide range of areas in the Blockchain eco-system. From product feasibility analysis, design and enterprise architecture, application development to fundraising and business development.<br />
FEASIBILITY ANALYSISFrom identifying a platform to developing the applications that power your business, we transform ideas into innovation. ​<br />
DESIGN/ARCHITECTUREIdentifying the right technology platform to execute your business goals is just the beginning of what we do. Our team covers every aspect of new app creation from ideation to beta launch. From identifying the right technology platform to developing the applications that power your business, we transform ideas into innovation.<br />
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTAfter you have arrived at your desired application design we will help you build it with one of our experienced blockchain software developers we have carefully vetted. Microsoft Azure, IBM Hyperledger, SQL, Linux/Unix, C++, Etherium, Bitcoinj, Bitcoind, Bitcoin 2.0, Block Explorer, Insight, Eris, RAFT, PAXOS, Angular.js, Elliptical Curve, Mathematical Trapdoor, NODE.JS, BLOCKCHAIN.JS, and more.<br />
FUNDRAISINGInitial Coin Offerings (ICO's) are quickly becoming a more efficient way to raise venture capital and crowdfunding. We will work hands on with your technical plan and business goals to develop marketing, financial and technical strategy and content for the successful launch of your coin/token.​ ​<br />
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTWhether you're looking to gain market share, attract a new customer base, or finding new investors - we will help you get there. We will increase your client base and market reach through our experienced sales and negotiation services. From attracting investors to setting up a regional office, we've helped clients establish new global operations and defined new localized processes.<br><br>Company services: Feasibility Analysis, Design/Architecture, Software development, Fundraising, Business development
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