
Reinventing the Like<br>LikeCoin aims to reinvent the Like by realigning creativity and reward. We enable attribution and cross-application collaboration on creative contents. With a reinvented Like button and our unique LikeRank algorithm, we trace content footprint and reward content creators by Proof of Creativity mechanism. Meanwhile, LikeCoin can only be purchased with ETH. For those who are new to the cryptocurrency, please purchcase ETH with fiat currencies such as USD, HKD or NTD at crypto exhanges. If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us through the blue dialogue bubble at the bottom right hand corner of the token sale page.<br><br>Company services: Art, Media
Website: Visit
Country: Hong Kong
Last screenshot taken on 24 May 2020
LikeCoin ICO
Screenshots taken on 24 May 2020
Blockchain companies
Same categories blockchain companies
Share and Connect Global Music Entertainment<br>iLink2Music is Uniting Artists, Executives & Music Lovers worldwide, regardless of their age, experience, race or beliefs, providing exclusive international music entertainment content, networking, events, contests, prizes, products & services. We also pledge live exclusive global concert/charity fund raising streaming online, as well as feature exceptional co-creation content designed to facilitate & revolutionize the management of online “way of life.” The Company’s approach provides for a people-generated, user-driven structure. In this new environment (“Ecosystem”), the very concept of “producer” is blurred because anyone can broadcast to any number of people anywhere, from their loved ones to the entire planet. What this Ecosystem has lacked up until now is self-awareness (our members & partners are selfaware but the larger world is not) & a few core centralorganizing principles. We believe that both of these will be “emergent properties” if there is a serious effort to broaden.<br><br>Company services: Entertainment, Cryptocurrency, Communication, Art, Internet, Media, Platform, Smart Contract, Virtual Reality
Get IMU. Get Paid.<br>imusify is an award-winning music platform that is reinventing the global music industry in order to liberate music makers, music fans, and music entrepreneurs. Let imusify help you find your creative voice, build a loyal following, discover great music, and reward your contribution. IMU tokens are used as the engine to support imusify’s multi-layered, decentralized music economy. This will create an immense potential value for the token’s use throughout imusify’s infiltration into the industry. Through our smart reward and compensation system, ϑ IMU is either rewarded for contribution to the platform, or used as a currency for exchanging digital assets and services. By establishing trust and transparency between artists, supporters, fans, and industry service providers; a vibrant ecosystem emerges.<br><br>Company services: Art, Cryptocurrency, Entertainment, Internet, Media, Smart Contract, Software
Brain Space
Your Comfort Zone. Forward to the Stars<br>Platform "Brain Space" - your step on the international arena. “The creation of an infrastructure that will become a strong foundation for the intellectual property market in the world, as well as reduce the process of identifying and developing the potential of authors to the level of access to the international arena at times”: the Brain Space team works to solve this task, because without the accessible, convenient and understandable procedures for registration and recording of the results of intellectual activity, and without the necessary and understandable tool it is difficult to imagine the achievement of the goal indicated in the strategies of a multitude of institutions scientifically technological development of the cultural sphere.<br><br>Company services: Art, Investment, Media, Platform
Blockchain based monetized image ecosystem.<br>The PIBBLE project is based on this popularity based "image". PIBBLE is a blockchain based cryptocurrency that collects image creators and consumers together and compensates for the activities they create, consume and enjoy. The "image” of the PIBBLE Project includes not only a picture or a stock image but also all images such as a cartoon, a character, an illustration, a graphic, an entertainers(singer, actor etc.) picture and video still. The biggest advantage about our token is that our service is already running and we have technologies, such as ContentsPro, that are functioning at the moment. Also, anyone can participate in the PIBBLE Ecosystem as image content creator or consumer. As the system is built on a global network, everyone can produce and use images without time or space limitations.<br><br>Company services: Art, Entertainment, Media
Powering E-commerce through the Blockchain<br>The project was born to bring the e-commerce of creative assets to the Web 3.0 world through a decentralized platform, featuring token payments and storage of digital resources made available by freelancers. The platform is targeted to freelancers and developers that want to get involved in a new form of global e-commerce. Vendors will offer self-made products to customers that will be in research of the missing piece to proceed in a stuck point, or simply to learn about new skills. The marketplace will offer a wide range of digital creative assets, fastly accessible and easy to trade. This initiative will let the customers to reach our P2P marketplace, with the intention to purchase or sell their desired product through the CRAFTR payment processor. Our platform will offer zerofees between customers transaction and will only check for its validity. Customers will have total control of their finances.<br><br>Company services: Art, Business services, Media, Platform
Bond Film Platform
A New Economic Model for Film and Video<br>Bond Film Platform is one platform to stream content, invest in content and for revenue distribution. Тransparent, fair and blockchain based. Create new content, support your favorite authors, help teams, curate content and become part of the new Film and Media Economy.<br><br>Company services: Art, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Education, Entertainment, Internet, Investment, Media, Platform, Smart Contract, Software, Virtual Reality