List of blockchain companies

There are 1143 blockchain companies from 182 countries operating in 31 markets
There are 126 blockchain companies from 40 countries
1World 3,287} Views
Interactive Platform for publishers and brands<br>1World Online offers a pre-built interactive media unit (IMU) for publishers who wish to monetize and engage t...
2100NEWS ICO 2,181} Views
The Voice Of The New Economy<br>We are the first news platform of the decentralized economy: delivering business and market news, data and analysis to the world...
AdHive 1,428} Views
AI-controlled influencer marketing platform<br>AdHive is the first AI-controlled Influencer Marketing platform with Blockchain technological solutions. The AdHi...
AdSigma 1,252} Views
Decentralized Ad Network<br>The AdSigma Token (ADSi) is a utility token with which advertisers can buy digital display advertisement on web/app properties, and...
AEN 1,257} Views
Join The Pioners of Porn<br>The AEN team aims to be the first global incentive based adult entertainment network of the world powered by Blockchain Technology....
Alis 917} Views
Social Media Platform<br>ALIS is a social media platform which provides our customers with reliable information from experts in no time. We were inspired by STE...
APPICS 785} Views
The next generation social media app.<br>APPICS is a next generation, reward-based social media application that runs on top of the STEEM blockchain and enables...
AXL 973} Views
Axial Entertainment Cryptocurrency<br>Cryptocurrency AXL is a Reverse ICO Project that represents the ‘AXIAL ENTERTAINMENT CRYPTOCURRENCY’. AXL project aims to...
Bablos 807} Views
Platform for Collective Film Production<br>Blockchain platform for collective film production. The best present-day solution to source funding is a direct parti...
BASIS NEURO 943} Views
Is an Open Service-technology Platform<br>Brain-computer Interfaces to train your brain, manipulate gadgets and enjoy new VR powerful games. BASIS NEURO is a pl...
Cayman Islands
BitScreener 893} Views
Financial Data Ecosystem Powered by Blockchain<br>BitScreener, one of the best real-time crypto-tracking platforms, has served more than 1,2 million traders and...
Bitshares Media 767} Views
Bitshares Media BTSMD<br>Bitshares Media (BTSMD) is a coin used for digital media innovation. btsmd is used on many digital projects such as social media, onlin...
Indonesia 612} Views
Crypto Adv & AirDrop Platform<br>It’s a cliché that the cryptomarket is volatile, but it’s absolutely true. Being a viable part of the crypto community means co...
BlockAIp 626} Views
Social Networking and Media Platform<br>BlockAIp will be a decentralized social networking and media platform powered by blockchain and backed by cryptocurrenci...
Blockport 626} Views
The First Social Crypto Exchange<br>Blockport aims to develop an end-to-end trading platform that addresses these problems by e ectively combining proven techno...
Bond Film Platform 873} Views
A New Economic Model for Film and Video<br>Bond Film Platform is one platform to stream content, invest in content and for revenue distribution. Тransparent, fa...
Bountie 666} Views
Get Paid to Play<br>BOUNTIE will begin with 53% of the global Gaming Industry. With an ultra high-tech platform that empowers us—non-professional gamers, we wil...
Box Of Data 705} Views
Infrastructure For The Digital Content Industry<br>The digital media industry was originally built on principles of inclusivity, but that it has also become too...
Brain Space 770} Views
Your Comfort Zone. Forward to the Stars<br>Platform "Brain Space" - your step on the international arena. “The creation of an infrastructure that will become a...
Buzcoin 721} Views
Cryptocurrency From Olga Buzova<br>BUZAR is a marketplace with wide functionality. BUZAR combines the most simple and important functions for users of the netwo...
C3C.Network 694} Views
Connecting Creators, Consumers & Advertisers<br>C3C will later be converted into its own blockchain, powering payments for connecting creators, publishers and a...
CBNT 702} Views
Create Breaking News Together<br>CBNT is a decentralized professional content sharing community based on blockchain technology and an ecosystem model of DPGC (D...
Clout 922} Views
Media. Decentralized.<br>CLOUT is a blockchain based platform intended to promote crypto communities growth. CLOUT is committed towards providing users with qua...
Cointelegraph 683} Views
The future of the money<br>Cointelegraph covers everything Bitcoin, bringing you the latest news, prices, breakthroughs, and analysis, with emphasis on expert o...
Contentos 929} Views
The Decentralized Global Content Ecosystem<br>Contentos is a decentralized global content ecosystem invested by Binance Labs (the blockchain incubator of world’...
Cosmochain 832} Views
Bringning Innovation to the Cosmetics Industry<br>COSMOCHAIN is a universal beauty platform that connects cosmetics product users and content creators to cosmet...
Hong Kong
Coupon Chain 785} Views
Revolutionising Digital Coupon with Blockchain<br>Mezzofy presents Coupon Chain an all-in-one solution delivering total ease of managing the full cycle (creatio...
Hong Kong
CraftR 748} Views
Powering E-commerce through the Blockchain<br>The project was born to bring the e-commerce of creative assets to the Web 3.0 world through a decentralized platf...
Cremit 946} Views
Alt Coins Insurance & Banking Solutions<br>Cremit coin is presented herein as an insurance and banking solution provider using blockkchain technology. Cremit wi...
Crypto Market Ads 1,070} Views
Democratize Crypto Advertising & Marketing<br>Crypto Market Ads is new marketplace which solves all crypto advertising and marketing problems by connecting cryp...
Cryptoprofile 781} Views
Empowering a blockchain revolution<br>Novel Economic Model: CryptoProfile is one of the first platforms that focus on creating a consolidated airdrop platform...
Current 658} Views
The Next Generation Of Media Streaming<br>Current is creating a digital token and protocol that is a method of exchange for time, attention and data in the digi...
DatEat 814} Views
Love is All Around<br>DatEat is the world’s first ever dating platform that integrated the power of Blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and AI engine to cre...
DECENT 833} Views
Blockchain content distribution<br>Publish your content via decentralized DECENT Network, decide its price and share with the world.<br><br>Company services: Me...
EMMARES 723} Views
Email as you know it will never be the same.<br>EMMARES is creating a global digital reputation of email content providers and their contents. Based on trusted...
Hong Kong
Engagement Token 823} Views
Rewarding Publishers And Creators<br>Engagement Tokens are the fuel for sustainable transformation in online publishing. Publishers and top citizen-participants...
Fanfare 690} Views
Social Commerce Community<br>A community-based two-sided platform for creating, curating and converting consumer-generated videos into instant Shoppable Videos...
Fidelity House 650} Views
Where Your Contents Become Tokens<br>FidelityHouse is a content aggregation platform that combines crowdsourcing journalism and social media oriented informatio...
Fixy Network<br>Fixy Network ICO is closed.<br><br>Company services: Communication, Cryptocurrency, Electronics, Internet, Investment, Media, Real estate, Smart...
Hong Kong
Flixxo 778} Views
Community based video distribution<br>We are aiming to create a decentralized video distribution network, where users will be the owners and beneficiaries of th...