List of blockchain companies

There are 1143 blockchain companies from 182 countries operating in 31 markets
Smart Contract
There are 144 blockchain companies from 47 countries
0chain 3,056} Views
0-Cost Cloud For IoT, Web, Enterprise, dApps<br>0chain is a free decentralized scalable cloud with sub-second finality, and self-forking capability to support m...
2100NEWS ICO 2,181} Views
The Voice Of The New Economy<br>We are the first news platform of the decentralized economy: delivering business and market news, data and analysis to the world...
Adenium 1,607} Views
Trust, Ecology & Long Term Efficiency<br>Adenium is a cryptocurrency based in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s built on the Ethereum Blockchain. The platfor...
AgentMile 1,246} Views
Revolutionizing Commercial Real Estate<br>AgentMile is the world's first decentralized Commercial Real Estate leasing platform powered by AI. The platform aims...
AIREN 1,400} Views
The Power of Blockchain meets the Future of AI<br>AIREN brings Artificial Intelligence and Real Estate markets to the world of Blockchain Technology. Real Estat...
Alttex 806} Views
Alttex Consortium<br>Alttex is an innovative system which consists of a decentralized crypto exchange, crypto messenger, and crypto safe. Our system allows peop...
ARAW 883} Views
Payment for E-Commerce Ecosystem<br>Today’s e-commerce industry is growing at a rapid pace and global retail e-commerce sales are expected to reach $4.5 trillio...
Asseta 773} Views
Future Is Here. Future Banking As Well<br>ASSETA will establish a digital bank and all the attention will be targeted to provide low cost, modern, easy to use a...
AssetStream 746} Views
The Global Decentralized Peer To Peer Microfinance Platform<br>AssetStream’s vision is to create a sustainable microfinance platform based on blockchain technol...
Auctus 912} Views
Smart Contract Powered Retirement Plans<br>Auctus is the world's first blockchain based retirement plan platform, which allows users to create diversified portf...
British Virgin Islands
AXL 973} Views
Axial Entertainment Cryptocurrency<br>Cryptocurrency AXL is a Reverse ICO Project that represents the ‘AXIAL ENTERTAINMENT CRYPTOCURRENCY’. AXL project aims to...
Singapore 810} Views
Mobile Cryptobank Platform, Users Become Owners<br>Baanx has a lending site, an OTC Exchange and Secure Wallet. We are launching: - Mobile Cryptobank App (see b...
BitNautic 656} Views
A Tech for Your Shipping Needs<br>BitNautic is a decentralized platform, based on the Ethereum Blockchain, for matching demand and supply of shipping services,...
Bitto Exchange 941} Views
Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform<br>Bitto exchange provides a 1 stop solution Exchange with Trading, Backed Loans, Copy trading, PoS, Multi-level Referral & Buy...
Bittwatt 740} Views
Energy for the 21st Century<br>Bittwatt is a matchmaking platform that connects all market players (from DSOs to consumers) and provides a standardized blockcha...
blockhive 742} Views
Blockhive's Second Initial Loan Procurement<br>blockhive will raise debt using a new structure it has developed jointly with Agrello, called Initial Loan Procur...
Bond Film Platform 873} Views
A New Economic Model for Film and Video<br>Bond Film Platform is one platform to stream content, invest in content and for revenue distribution. Тransparent, fa...
Boomstarter.Network 729} Views
Blockchain for Startups to Make Money. Worldwide.<br>The first global fundraising platform based on crypto, blockchain and smart contracts. Eliminating geograph...
BQT 840} Views
Social P2P Crypto Exchange and Hedge Trading Platform<br>BQT P2P Exchange Platform provides secure, interactive and flexible trading environment and user-friend...
Bytus 1,115} Views
Payment by Cryptocurrency with Instant Conversion into FiatBytus wants to revolutionize the payment system as it works today and blockchain enables us to do tha...
CargoCoin 845} Views
Blockchaining Logistics<br>CargoCoin is designed to be a smart contract, crypto currency platform, decentralising global trade and transport. The platform targe...
Chelle Coin 771} Views
Cryptocurrency Meets Real Estate<br>Chelle Corp. maximizes value and earning potential for our investors by acquiring premium real estate with devotion to detai...
Coingrid 768} Views
First ICO by a Financial Service Provider in NZ<br>Coingrid aims to make investing in cryptocurrency as easy as sending an email. With our intuitive interface,...
New Zealand
Contentos 929} Views
The Decentralized Global Content Ecosystem<br>Contentos is a decentralized global content ecosystem invested by Binance Labs (the blockchain incubator of world’...
Cosmochain 832} Views
Bringning Innovation to the Cosmetics Industry<br>COSMOCHAIN is a universal beauty platform that connects cosmetics product users and content creators to cosmet...
Hong Kong
CoTrader 762} Views
The Uber of Hedge Funds, Live on the ETH Mainnet<br>CoTrader is the Uber of Investment Funds and is LIVE on the ETH Mainnet. It's the world's first blockchain i...
Saint Kitts and Nevis
CREDITS 654} Views
Blockchain Platform with It's Own Cryptocurrency CS<br>CREDITS blockchain platform offers the processing speed of 0.01 of a second while the commission rate is...
Cremit 946} Views
Alt Coins Insurance & Banking Solutions<br>Cremit coin is presented herein as an insurance and banking solution provider using blockkchain technology. Cremit wi...
Crypto Market Ads 1,070} Views
Democratize Crypto Advertising & Marketing<br>Crypto Market Ads is new marketplace which solves all crypto advertising and marketing problems by connecting cryp...
CryptoGlobal Markets 750} Views
Decentralised P2P Asset Exchange - Live Product<br>Local Bitcoins re-imagined. We're Live and we've gained 2,500 users in the first two weeks! $0 spent on marke...
CryptoHIT 680} Views
Financially Profitable Ecosystem for Gamers<br>CryptoHIT intends to create a transparent and entirely decentralized platform for various gaming projects using t...
CryptoLeaf 806} Views
Crowdfinancing a Better Environment<br>CryptoLeaf is a way for everyone to be able to contribute to green initiatives and projects, while keeping control of the...
Cryptoxygen 843} Views
A Complete Solution for Cryptocurrency Trading<br>This is a first in the history of the crypto world industry, that a crypto exchange platform seals a partnersh...
Cura Network 807} Views
The Global Decentralized Health System<br>We’re taking health care beyond borders Join us in the revolution to build a global decentralized health care system w...
CurrenExchange 681} Views
A Trading Platform for Digital Assets<br>With CurrenExchange, you will be able to trade almost all cryptocurrencies on the current market. We will provide tradi...
CyClean 778} Views
Rental System of Electric Vehicles<br>CyClean is a project that promotes clean energy through a rental system of electric vehicles. It applies blockchain techno...
DatEat 814} Views
Love is All Around<br>DatEat is the world’s first ever dating platform that integrated the power of Blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and AI engine to cre...
DCoin 635} Views
Trading Platform<br>-- The D'Coin™ (DCO) Token ICO will power our mobile application – the D'Crypt™ Analysis Platform, all at your fingertips™. -- With the myri...
DECOIN 636} Views
De Coin of De People<br>DECOIN is a Decentralized coin and Trading Platform Exchange which redistributes its revenue to coin holders. DECOIN is an open source p...
Denaro 804} Views
Wallet and Worldwide Debit Cards<br>Denaro seamless payment ecosystem bridges the divide between cryptocurrencies and the mainstream market. The platform enable...