List of blockchain companies

There are 1143 blockchain companies from 182 countries operating in 31 markets
There are 61 blockchain companies from 29 countries
4NEW 2,062} Views
Power to the People, Literally.<br>4NEW is the world’s first eco-friendly, tangible, waste to energy power plant entirely integrated on the blockchain network a...
Adenium 1,607} Views
Trust, Ecology & Long Term Efficiency<br>Adenium is a cryptocurrency based in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s built on the Ethereum Blockchain. The platfor...
Assetereum 805} Views
Asset Backed Crypto Currency<br>Assetereum is a token backed by assets that give it a real intrinsic value. Our token is a store of value (crypto asset) and not...
Bittwatt 740} Views
Energy for the 21st Century<br>Bittwatt is a matchmaking platform that connects all market players (from DSOs to consumers) and provides a standardized blockcha...
BuratinoBS 808} Views
Multi-Mining System for SHA-256 and SCRYPT<br>Multi-miner Papa Carlo with the high productivity and energy efficient 7nm node chip is manufactured with the capa...
Cajutel Sarl 792} Views
Internet Rapido<br>We will build the most cost effective broadband access network for Guinea-Bissau and neighboring Guinea and provide state of the art communic...
Carbon Grid Protocol 744} Views
We Create A Better World With Blockchain<br>Carbon Grid Protocol aims to decarbonize blockchains. Carbon Grid Protocol creates an economic framework to reward b...
CargoCoin 845} Views
Blockchaining Logistics<br>CargoCoin is designed to be a smart contract, crypto currency platform, decentralising global trade and transport. The platform targe...
Credits 620} Views
Anonymous cryptocurrency capable of fast speeds<br>CREDITS are their own anonymous cryptocurrency capable of lightning-fast speeds. Credits has its own platform...
Crypto Market Ads 1,070} Views
Democratize Crypto Advertising & Marketing<br>Crypto Market Ads is new marketplace which solves all crypto advertising and marketing problems by connecting cryp...
CryptoLeaf 805} Views
Crowdfinancing a Better Environment<br>CryptoLeaf is a way for everyone to be able to contribute to green initiatives and projects, while keeping control of the...
Cryptosolartech 585} Views
Blockchain with Solar Energy<br>In cryptosolartech we develop cryptocurrency mining, obtaining our own with the help of 3.000 equipments, thus mining in two dif...
CyClean 778} Views
Rental System of Electric Vehicles<br>CyClean is a project that promotes clean energy through a rental system of electric vehicles. It applies blockchain techno...
Dago Mining 851} Views
We Produce Energy From Renewable Sources<br>Green energy for bitcoins, ethereum, and other cryptomonetes mining. Dago Mining has one initial cost and zero cost...
Spain 749} Views
Each and every hotel, office, and parking lot<br> is the first alternative system for easy and cost-efficient recharging of electric cars and other b...
Electrify.Asia 821} Views
Be the Power<br>ELECTRIFY plans to develop a decentralised energy marketplace that runs on the blockchain. As an improvement from the existing marketplace busin...
Energi Token 630} Views
Reduce Global Energy Consumption<br>Energi Mine is a fully functional commercial entity based in Manchester, United Kingdom, with operations, sales, finance and...
EnLedger 659} Views
Blockchain Interoperability & Data Portal<br>Distributed Ledgers provide a cutting-edge solution for data storage and access. Blockchain Apps are set to revolut...
envion 775} Views
Off-Grid Blockchain Mining<br>Envion has created the technology for the first truly mobile mining unit (MMU) that uses low-priced local energy to mine a broad s...
EtainPower 693} Views
Blockchain-Based Energy Ecosystem<br>EtainPower is a team of experts with a background in blockchain technology,we help provide renewable energy projects overco...
Cayman Islands
ETHernitymining 638} Views
Self-Sustainable And Expandable Mining Project<br>We are the very first project that offers a mining hardware group bulk purchase through a token sale. We manag...
South Africa
Garuda Energy 697} Views
Indonesian Solar Energy Blockchain Investment<br>As part of support for the Indonesian solar energy program, Garuda Energy sponsored a least-cost electrificatio...
Greencoin 769} Views
Solving Real Problems in the World<br>The first decentralized platform based on sustainable green systems to solve real problems in the world, connecting green...
Greenhashes 773} Views
World's First Cryptocurrency Backed by Carbon Credits & Mining Power<br>GreenHashes is an extremely ambitious project targeting Sustainable Development & Conser...
GreenX 790} Views
Green Energy Network<br>The GreenX Network is a blockchain ecosystem that was created with the objective of enabling both individuals and institutions to profit...
HashByte 617} Views
Renewable & Green Mining Revolution<br>Reports shows, Crypto miners are using more electricity than Serbia, Eric Holthaus calculated that by July 2019 Bitcoin w...
KWHCoin 724} Views
Renewable Energy Cryptocurrency<br>To improve the lives of the 1.2 billion people across the globe without reliable energy access. KWHCoin will achieve this by...
Miner Edge 809} Views
Crypto Currency Techno Mining Operation<br>A Mining facility which is set-up in a tax-free and cold place; runs on Govt subsidized renewable energy at 4 cents/...
Mit-Ra 785} Views
Mit-Ra Industries<br>The Mit-Ra Knowledge Based Industries is the first creative project of the United Health Group in the area of converting Non-drinkable wate...
United Arab Emirates
MyBit 675} Views
Leaders in Distributing Wealth<br>MyBit is the world’s most advanced IoT investment Ecosystem. Its two flagship products include a decentralised investment plat...
Neurochain 826} Views
The augmented Blockchain powered by AI<br>NeuroChain is an evolution of the Blockchain that integrates machine learning and AI to drastically improve the perfor...
Organicco 821} Views
Investing In The Future Of Our Beautiful Planet<br>Our aim is to provide viable solutions and products that will aid in reducing degradation levels suffered by...
Percival 784} Views
Easily handling Low Power Consumption Type Mining Machine Secure<br>The intent of Percival is to overturn the common knowledge for existing mining market, and t...
Hong Kong
Perlin 953} Views
Leaderless. The Way Blockchain Should be.<br>Perlin is a highly scalable, PoS smart contract platform that achieves throughput of 31,000+ TPS and consistently h...
Poseidon 701} Views
Climate Rescue<br>Poseidon builds climate change solutions with widespread and immediate impact. Its current ICO and token sales support its 'reduce' platform,...
Power Ledger 664} Views
A Decentralized peer to peer energy exchange<br>We believe empowering individuals and communities to co-create their energy future will underpin the development...
Rebglo 747} Views
Rebooting The Global Economy Through Energy Circulation<br>The Rebglo project seeks to address and improve on current cryptocurrency mining inefficiencies with...
REDi 643} Views
Uncovering Value Through The Digital Transformation Of Renewable Energy<br>A blockchain-based data marketplace for renewable energy. Facilitating the exchange o...
South Korea
RENBDO 603} Views
Renewable Energy Network Based on Decentralized Organization<br>Renewable Energy Network Based on Decentralized Organization is an upcoming cryptocurrency start...
Restart Energy 630} Views
Send and receive energy anywhere in the world<br>Send and Receive Energy Worldwide! Major EU energy company launches energy trading ecosystem and the first powe...