List of blockchain companies

There are 1143 blockchain companies from 182 countries operating in 31 markets
There are 64 blockchain companies from 31 countries
Aenco 1,151} Views
Global Healthtech Blockchain Financial Solutions<br>The World's First Blockchain-Based Healthcare Financial Solutions and Application Development Platform; Heal...
AgroTechFarm 1,257} Views
The Global Eco Blockchain System<br>AgroTechFarm is the revolutionary fully automated intelligent appliance powered by blockchain and patented technology for th...
Ambrosus 627} Views
Trusted Quality of Food & Medicine<br>Combining high-tech sensors, blockchain protocol and smart contracts, we are building a universally verifiable, community-...
ATFS Project 805} Views
Join the Tokenized Food Revolution<br>ATFS Project is the world’s first decentralized AgriTech & Food Science crowdfunding project built on Ethereum Blockchain...
Cayman Islands
BASIS NEURO 943} Views
Is an Open Service-technology Platform<br>Brain-computer Interfaces to train your brain, manipulate gadgets and enjoy new VR powerful games. BASIS NEURO is a pl...
Cayman Islands
BioFactoryCoin 873} Views
Healthy milk production<br>BioFactoryCoin (BFC) the first factory in the world producing healthy milk production with availability for cryptocurrency payments....
Biogen 734} Views
Extend Human Life<br>The company Biogen International Business Company located in Ireland will start up with the collaboration of companies and scientists from...
Bowhead Health 665} Views
Smart dispenser for real-time biometric tests<br>The Bowhead device is connected to the internet and can monitor the health of individuals at home and can also...
Clinicoin 660} Views
Global Health and Wellness Blockchain Platform<br>Clinicoin is an open source, blockchain-leveraged health and wellness platform, enhanced by a token-based rewa...
CoinHealth 593} Views
Reinventing healthcare accessibility<br>Coinhealth is the first cryptocurrency to offer health savings and flexible spending investments.<br><br>Company service...
Crypto Market Ads 1,070} Views
Democratize Crypto Advertising & Marketing<br>Crypto Market Ads is new marketplace which solves all crypto advertising and marketing problems by connecting cryp...
Cura Network 807} Views
The Global Decentralized Health System<br>We’re taking health care beyond borders Join us in the revolution to build a global decentralized health care system w...
Cures 725} Views
Receive the CARE that You Deserve<br>CURES token has been forged out of a desire to help address this problem, by decentralizing the health care system, empower...
Dentacoin 648} Views
Reshaping the Future of Dentistry<br>Founded in March 2017, the Netherlands-based Dentacoin Foundation develops the first Blockchain solution for the global den...
Digipharm 756} Views
Healthcare Beyond Barriers<br>Digipharm bypasses infrastructural limitations to enable the implementation of flexible value-based pricing agreements using smart...
DIW Token 813} Views
Decentralize Security<br>DIW’s unique concept plans to solve global security vulnerabilities in regards to private sensitive data including ID Documentation, Ba...
Marshall Islands
Docademic 613} Views
John McAfees choice! Serving patients since 2016<br>Docademic has created Free Basic Healthcare for the world through Telemedicine. Now offering its service in...
Etheal 931} Views
Bringing Transparency to $100bn+ Medical Tourism<br>Stanford educated Kung Fu world champion, Viktor Tabori (co-founder of Etheal) had a motorcycle accident in...
FitVitalik 706} Views
Help Vitalik Buterin Get In Shape<br>Because some people are much too busy thinking about our future. They’ve forgotten to think about theirs. We, the crypto cu...
GENEXI 802} Views
Accelerating Biotech Breakthroughs<br>There are many challenges facing the biotech industry today, such as quality assurance, counterfeiting and research intran...
Grapevine 652} Views
Welcome to Grapevine World<br>Grapevine World is a decentralized, borderless ecosystem for the seamless, standardized exchange of healthcare data. In it, health...
GreenWorld Farm 855} Views
Creating an Organic World<br>To stimulate growth and further the cause of GWF, we have designed a sales period pattern for our ICO stage and you can start purch...
GYM Ledger 709} Views
The World’s 1st Health Band with Integrated Hardware Wallet<br>The World’s 1st Health Band with integrated Hardware Wallet. Specially built to support the GYM R...
HARA 850} Views
Empowering Billions Through Data<br>Our mission began within the agriculture and food sector and continues toward overall sustainability for the world’s most so...
Health Monitor 632} Views
Health Monitor – Innovative Diagnostics<br>Business model of Health Monitor is based on creating a vending machines network in EU. The potential customers do n...
Czech Republic
HealthHeart 684} Views
Transforming The Management And Security<br>Unlike other EHR providers, our infrastructure is extensible. We can service any size group, from single practitione...
Healthureum 696} Views
Your Data. Your Doctor. Your Way.<br>We bring robustness, trust, and efficiency to future proof healthcare procedures. We facilitate the smooth exchange of data...
HiHealth 795} Views
A Unique AI Based Medical App<br>The global ecosystem analyst - the date broker of personal medical data based on artificial intelligence and blockchain technol...
iAM 633} Views
The Point of Consensus<br>iAM’s personal care record platform solves global problems in the healthcare industry using Blockchain technology. iAM’s platform is a...
IOU 988} Views
True P2P E-Commerce Loyalty Platform<br>IOU reinvents existing loyalty systems in order to provide more flexibility, control, and many more benefits for Merchan...
Jibbit 744} Views
Blockchain Safety for a 200m Community<br>Jibbit creates an ecosystem network to connect the worldwide cannabis community with the crypto world (200m +). A worl...
KitToken 677} Views
Utility, Organic Growth, Sharing<br>Global trend of financial eco-system has evolved to a stage where blockchain technology has taken penultimate position as th...
Kuende 920} Views
Creating Real Life Experiences<br>Kuende is the social network that rewards real life interaction and enhances your wellbeing. On Kuende, gamified interactions...
Kynson 702} Views
Your Welness Need Starts Here<br>Kynson ecosystem integrates blockchain technology for providing robust functionalities to fitness, health and outdoor sports en...
Hong Kong
Lancor Scientific 790} Views
Power of Blockchain to Find Cancer Early<br>Lancor Blockchain Platform (LBP) is a blockchain based ecosystem designed with the vision to make cancer screening a...
Litra 702} Views
The future of Healthcare<br>Litra Blockchain using multi approaches to fill the gap between all Healthcare providers, will open the EHR to these institutions wi...
Lyfe 657} Views
Wellness Rewards and Gamification<br>Lyfe is a decentralised wellness rewards and gamification platform for healthy lifestyle through blockchain technology. We...
Lympo 674} Views
Monetizing sports & health data via blockchain<br>Lympo is a healthy lifestyle ecosystem creator that uses the blockchain technology to connect numerous stakeho...
MediBloc 612} Views
Healthcare Experience. Reinvented.<br>MediBloc’s healthcare information platform is a personal data ecosystem for patients, providers and researchers, built on...
Medicalchain 663} Views
Building the future of healthcare<br>Medicalchain is a decentralized platform that enables secure, fast and transparent exchange and usage of medical data. We i...