List of blockchain companies

There are 1143 blockchain companies from 182 countries operating in 31 markets
There are 505 blockchain companies from 65 countries
0chain 3,056} Views
0-Cost Cloud For IoT, Web, Enterprise, dApps<br>0chain is a free decentralized scalable cloud with sub-second finality, and self-forking capability to support m...
2100NEWS ICO 2,181} Views
The Voice Of The New Economy<br>We are the first news platform of the decentralized economy: delivering business and market news, data and analysis to the world...
ABLE 2,339} Views
The New Era of Crypto Finance<br>The ABLE project will create a platform that enables cryptocurrency-based banking activities to center around the ABLE account,...
Acorn Collective 1,359} Views
Crowdfunding For Everyone<br>We're helping fulfil crowdfunding's promise of being a democratic, accessible way for small businesses to get funding. Current plat...
Adab Solutions 1,303} Views
First Islamic Crypto Exchange<br>ADAB Solutions is developing the FICE – First Islamic Crypto Exchange, based on the norms of Shariah. As a result, the implemen...
United Arab Emirates
Adenium 1,607} Views
Trust, Ecology & Long Term Efficiency<br>Adenium is a cryptocurrency based in Geneva, Switzerland. It’s built on the Ethereum Blockchain. The platfor...
AdHive 1,427} Views
AI-controlled influencer marketing platform<br>AdHive is the first AI-controlled Influencer Marketing platform with Blockchain technological solutions. The AdHi...
AdSigma 1,252} Views
Decentralized Ad Network<br>The AdSigma Token (ADSi) is a utility token with which advertisers can buy digital display advertisement on web/app properties, and...
AEN 1,257} Views
Join The Pioners of Porn<br>The AEN team aims to be the first global incentive based adult entertainment network of the world powered by Blockchain Technology....
AgentMile 1,246} Views
Revolutionizing Commercial Real Estate<br>AgentMile is the world's first decentralized Commercial Real Estate leasing platform powered by AI. The platform aims...
Agrello 1,194} Views
Legally Binding Smart Contracts, Powered by AI<br>With a combined experience of 45 years in the tech-friendly Estonian legal system, and accompanied by industry...
Aidus 1,315} Views
Decentralized Global Fund Market<br>The AIDUS Global D-Fund Platform is a decentralized fund market established upon the ETHEREUM network to serve as a professi...
Hong Kong
AISI Coin 1,372} Views
P2P Platform for Launching ITO's<br>Welcome to the new type of business project financing in Georgia. As a platform, based on the real production interest, for...
AIVIA 851} Views
Transparent Investments in Crypto Portfolios<br>Unique Proposition: We are bringing professional financial instruments for Institutional Investors to engage the...
Akaiito 1,023} Views
Use Your Cryptocurrency in Your Every Day Life<br>Akaiito is platform, which will give an opportunity to use crypto currency in every day life! Akaiito will be...
Akropolis 949} Views
Financial protocol for informal economy<br>Akropolis is building a domain-specific financial protocol dedicated to the needs of the informal economy. It is desi...
Alis 917} Views
Social Media Platform<br>ALIS is a social media platform which provides our customers with reliable information from experts in no time. We were inspired by STE...
Allbebet 1,057} Views
Neurointelligence in The Service Of Sport<br>Allbebet is an infrastructure project in the sports and gaming industry. Designed to help achieve high results in s...
AllForMiner 818} Views
Services for the Crypto Miners<br>AllForMiner-Trading offers a trading platform where any seller can put their goods for sale. All payments on the trading floor...
Czech Republic
Alttex 806} Views
Alttex Consortium<br>Alttex is an innovative system which consists of a decentralized crypto exchange, crypto messenger, and crypto safe. Our system allows peop...
Angel Token 701} Views
The Altcoin Investment Platform<br>Angel Token is a "crypto incubator" for small-cap altcoins, allowing you to CREATE WEALTH as an "Angel Investor", rather than...
Aphelion 704} Views
Solving The Limits Of Crypto Exchanges<br>Built to solve the inherent problems of the crypto exchanges and trading platforms, Aphelion advances distributed led...
Saint Kitts and Nevis
ARAW 883} Views
Payment for E-Commerce Ecosystem<br>Today’s e-commerce industry is growing at a rapid pace and global retail e-commerce sales are expected to reach $4.5 trillio...
Arbidex 691} Views
Integrate exchange platform and arbitrage<br>Arbidex is the first trading platform that will truly unite all the world's crypto assets from different exchanges...
Arcona 746} Views
The Worldwide Augmented Reality Grid<br>We represent the global ecosystem of augmented reality, built on the blockchain technology. We are merging together real...
Arker 849} Views
The Online RPG that rewards with cryptocurrency<br>Arker is the first RPG online video game that rewards the user with a cryptocurrency.<br /> The coin can be used b...
Artis Turba 729} Views
Now everyone can trade!<br>Artis Turba is a cryptocurrency trading platform that will simplify trading of all the leading cryptocurrencies by market capitalizat...
South Africa
ASOBI COIN 699} Views
Digital Content Trade<br>The concept of ASOBI COIN is digital content trade on distributed secondary market. A new blockchain economic era for the publishers cr...
Asseta 773} Views
Future Is Here. Future Banking As Well<br>ASSETA will establish a digital bank and all the attention will be targeted to provide low cost, modern, easy to use a...
AssetStream 745} Views
The Global Decentralized Peer To Peer Microfinance Platform<br>AssetStream’s vision is to create a sustainable microfinance platform based on blockchain technol...
AstorGame 775} Views
eSport and online gambling platform<br>AstorGame will change the eSports and betting world with an eSport and online gambling platform, developed using cutting-...
Astronaut 717} Views
Invest on autopilot<br>Astronaut is an innovative new ICO which seeks to close the inefficiencies of prospective investors filtering, researching and ultimately...
Asura Coin 937} Views
Self-Sustainable eSports Platform Powered by NEO<br>Asura World is the World’s first self-sustainable eSports platform, powered by NEO. Asura World aims to unit...
New Zealand
ATFS Project 805} Views
Join the Tokenized Food Revolution<br>ATFS Project is the world’s first decentralized AgriTech & Food Science crowdfunding project built on Ethereum Blockchain...
Cayman Islands
Auctus 912} Views
Smart Contract Powered Retirement Plans<br>Auctus is the world's first blockchain based retirement plan platform, which allows users to create diversified portf...
British Virgin Islands
Aurora 746} Views
Cryptobanking and Financial Platform<br>Aurora provides an advanced, open, and stable financial network, accessible by anyone in the world regardless of geograp...
AXL 973} Views
Axial Entertainment Cryptocurrency<br>Cryptocurrency AXL is a Reverse ICO Project that represents the ‘AXIAL ENTERTAINMENT CRYPTOCURRENCY’. AXL project aims to...
Azbit 756} Views
Blockchain Investment Banking<br>The main objectives of the project are to meet the needs of cryptocurrency projects and users for traditional financial sector...
Seychelles 810} Views
Mobile Cryptobank Platform, Users Become Owners<br>Baanx has a lending site, an OTC Exchange and Secure Wallet. We are launching: - Mobile Cryptobank App (see b...
BABB 749} Views
Everyone is a Bank<br>BABB will empower the microeconomy, improving lives and livelihoods and creating new opportunities for individuals and businesses across t...