
Social Media Platform<br>ALIS is a social media platform which provides our customers with reliable information from experts in no time. We were inspired by STEEM ( and their billions of evaluations to create a media platform specialized for the Japanese market. Our mission is to filter through the myriad of advertising and stealth marketing campaigns. Our goal is to provide more reliable information than traditional media outlets.<br><br>Company services: Internet, Platform, Media
Website: Visit
Country: Japan
Social media
Last screenshot taken on 24 May 2020
Alis ICO
Screenshots taken on 24 May 2020
Blockchain companies
Same categories blockchain companies
True P2P E-Commerce Loyalty Platform<br>IOU reinvents existing loyalty systems in order to provide more flexibility, control, and many more benefits for Merchants in order to guarantee the highest possible level of consumer satisfaction for the incurred marketing expenditures. IOU “loyalty system” allows business owners to create a new level of interaction with consumers and, most importantly, provides the opportunity for consumers to freely exchange their purchased IOUs with other consumers for other IOUs which are needed more for those trading parties. Each Consumer truly would become the “agent” targeting other Consumers on P2P exchange seeking to trade their acquired IOUs with other Consumers based on the need and value at the time of the transaction. Such approach allows merchants to obtain a stable influx of new customers and truly loyal customers.<br><br>Company services: Big Data, Business services, Charity, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Electronics, Entertainment, Health, Infrastructure, Internet, Investment, Media, Platform, Real estate, Retail, Smart Contract, Software, Sports, Tourism
AI-controlled influencer marketing platform<br>AdHive is the first AI-controlled Influencer Marketing platform with Blockchain technological solutions. The AdHive platform fully automates all steps of interaction with influencers in order to save a huge amount of time and effort for advertisers. The platform will offer brands the opportunity to place a native video ad on an unlimited number of influencer channels without having to worry about proper execution. Native video advertising will become easy to run, and new opportunities for blog monetization will power community development and increase audience and advertising capacity.<br><br>Company services: Entertainment, Communication, Business services, Artificial Intelligence, Internet, Media, Other, Platform
Share and Connect Global Music Entertainment<br>iLink2Music is Uniting Artists, Executives & Music Lovers worldwide, regardless of their age, experience, race or beliefs, providing exclusive international music entertainment content, networking, events, contests, prizes, products & services. We also pledge live exclusive global concert/charity fund raising streaming online, as well as feature exceptional co-creation content designed to facilitate & revolutionize the management of online “way of life.” The Company’s approach provides for a people-generated, user-driven structure. In this new environment (“Ecosystem”), the very concept of “producer” is blurred because anyone can broadcast to any number of people anywhere, from their loved ones to the entire planet. What this Ecosystem has lacked up until now is self-awareness (our members & partners are selfaware but the larger world is not) & a few core centralorganizing principles. We believe that both of these will be “emergent properties” if there is a serious effort to broaden.<br><br>Company services: Entertainment, Cryptocurrency, Communication, Art, Internet, Media, Platform, Smart Contract, Virtual Reality
Decentralized Ad Network<br>The AdSigma Token (ADSi) is a utility token with which advertisers can buy digital display advertisement on web/app properties, and publishers can monetize their apps/websites using AdSigma platform (They get paid in ADSi tokens). The platform is based on the Ethereum’s Smart Contracts, which guarantee secure transactions based on the parameters set by the participants (Advertisers and Publishers) themselves. We are currently solving some serious problems in digital display advertising, which are - Unjustifiable Rate of Commission by Ad Networks, Lack of Freedom of Negotiation and Irrelevant Advertisements. The Blockchain technology ensures that one entity alone can’t control the platform. This decentralized system prevents the possibility of data manipulation and ensures that nobody can interfere with transactions or give preferences or privileges to one advertiser or publisher over another. The network is verified and maintained by all participants together.<br><br>Company services: Internet, Media, Platform
The Voice Of The New Economy<br>We are the first news platform of the decentralized economy: delivering business and market news, data and analysis to the world (crypto, blockchain, IoT, ICOs, new financial markets and decentralized economy in general). We serve as a depository for disclosure of authorized price sensitive information regarding token issuing companies. Our services run on mobiles, tablets and computers via online TV, radio, squawk box, newsletters and podcasts. We are raising funds to produce 2nd iteration of our news platform using blockchain technology. 2100NEWS is the leading crypto and token market news hub, offering real-time data and price sensitive information regarding token issuers, news on all crypto market issues and analyst coverage. As a bottom-up system, we enable news to be sourced and verified from the crowd, granting publication and rewarding up/down voting (curation) of published content. We are already in the top third of ICO listing websites and expect to reach 40 million monthly page views and 500,000 community members by the end of 2018.<br><br>Company services: Communication, Cryptocurrency, Entertainment, Internet, Media, Platform, Smart Contract
Hong Kong
Optimizing the $79 Trillion Transactions Market<br>The UXM is a global transactions optimizer. It completely re-invents the concept of marketplaces by removing inefficiencies that needlessly increase buyer prices and seller costs. The UXM is designed to provide a common platform enhanced by blockchain technology to not only streamline the process of transactions, but also make it applicable to any type of transaction from a loaf of bread to a fleet of aircraft to a view of a social media site content to a click on a webpage to an offline action to a wholesale trade deal between manufacturer and retailer. Virtually anything can be monetized via the UXM.<br><br>Company services: Cryptocurrency, Internet, Media, Platform