List of blockchain companies

There are 1143 blockchain companies from 182 countries operating in 31 markets
There are 43 blockchain companies from 19 countries
Akaiito 968} Views
Use Your Cryptocurrency in Your Every Day Life<br>Akaiito is platform, which will give an opportunity to use crypto currency in every day life! Akaiito will be...
ARAW 831} Views
Payment for E-Commerce Ecosystem<br>Today’s e-commerce industry is growing at a rapid pace and global retail e-commerce sales are expected to reach $4.5 trillio...
ATFS Project 764} Views
Join the Tokenized Food Revolution<br>ATFS Project is the world’s first decentralized AgriTech & Food Science crowdfunding project built on Ethereum Blockchain...
Cayman Islands
AXL 934} Views
Axial Entertainment Cryptocurrency<br>Cryptocurrency AXL is a Reverse ICO Project that represents the ‘AXIAL ENTERTAINMENT CRYPTOCURRENCY’. AXL project aims to...
BIRC 718} Views
Business Interactive Reward Coin<br>BIRC is an innovative and interactive reward ecosystem that combines local shops, O2O and blockchain. This cryptocurrency on...
BitRent 687} Views
A new horizon of Investment<br>BitRent platform enables every individual on Earth invest and own any commercial and residential property item. We make buying ho...
Buzcoin 691} Views
Cryptocurrency From Olga Buzova<br>BUZAR is a marketplace with wide functionality. BUZAR combines the most simple and important functions for users of the netwo...
Bytus 1,084} Views
Payment by Cryptocurrency with Instant Conversion into FiatBytus wants to revolutionize the payment system as it works today and blockchain enables us to do tha...
CargoCoin 808} Views
Blockchaining Logistics<br>CargoCoin is designed to be a smart contract, crypto currency platform, decentralising global trade and transport. The platform targe...
Clout 886} Views
Media. Decentralized.<br>CLOUT is a blockchain based platform intended to promote crypto communities growth. CLOUT is committed towards providing users with qua...
Cosmochain 802} Views
Bringning Innovation to the Cosmetics Industry<br>COSMOCHAIN is a universal beauty platform that connects cosmetics product users and content creators to cosmet...
Hong Kong
Coupon Chain 764} Views
Revolutionising Digital Coupon with Blockchain<br>Mezzofy presents Coupon Chain an all-in-one solution delivering total ease of managing the full cycle (creatio...
Hong Kong
Cremit 901} Views
Alt Coins Insurance & Banking Solutions<br>Cremit coin is presented herein as an insurance and banking solution provider using blockkchain technology. Cremit wi...
Crypto Market Ads 1,021} Views
Democratize Crypto Advertising & Marketing<br>Crypto Market Ads is new marketplace which solves all crypto advertising and marketing problems by connecting cryp...
EiraCube 647} Views
Fully Robotised Blockchain-Baked Pop-Up Retail<br>EiraCube is an “Airbnb for retail goods”. Just rent a shelf and send us goods. We take care of everything to h...
Fanfare 658} Views
Social Commerce Community<br>A community-based two-sided platform for creating, curating and converting consumer-generated videos into instant Shoppable Videos...
FANTOM 975} Views
Beyond Blockchain<br>FANTOM is the world’s first DAG based smart contract platform that solves the issue of scalability and confirmation time of the existing bl...
Bahamas 614} Views
Blockchain based cryptopoints like airlines miles<br>The Giftzℱ Network will sell blockchain based cryptopoints like airlines sell miles. Any business can buy t...
Guarium 677} Views
New Generation Of The Global Platform<br>The global e-Commerce market is rapidly growing every year. In 2017, the B2C global online sales market amounted to as...
Incodium 791} Views
API-Based Smart Contract Solution for Exchange<br>At the heart of Incodium – a decentralized application (DApp) developed based on Ethereum with smart contract...
IOU 939} Views
True P2P E-Commerce Loyalty Platform<br>IOU reinvents existing loyalty systems in order to provide more flexibility, control, and many more benefits for Merchan...
JOYS 617} Views
Transforming Digital Money Into Real Goods<br>Joys is a service of legal payments for goods and services in all cryptocurrency. Joys represents an open global b...
Knowledge 688} Views
Rewards You for Your Knowledge<br> is a blockchain powered knowledge sharing platform which enables consumers and experts to prove their knowledge i...
Konios Project 724} Views
The Konios Platform<br>The Konios platform offers the safest exchange platform for cash & cryptocurrencies worldwide. Our solution for locally and digitally exc...
Linix 791} Views
The New Architecture Security of Blockchain & Scalability of DAG<br>The LINIX platform is the world’s first DAG infused blockchain distributed ledger that provi...
Hong Kong
Nauticus 715} Views
Nauticus Crypto and Fiat exchange with Ecommerce<br>The Nauticus Initial Coin Offering is the first step in the company’s bold vision for six global banking and...
Nucleus 664} Views
Neural brain for IOT powered intelligence<br>Founded in 2014 at Harvard University, Nucleus Vision is an end-to-end technology solution that captures and provid...
Opu Labs 626} Views
Tokenizing Skincare Intelligence<br>Fueled by OPU Coin, consumers are able to monetize their skincare data along with receiving real-time support from verified...
British Virgin Islands
Perlin 907} Views
Leaderless. The Way Blockchain Should be.<br>Perlin is a highly scalable, PoS smart contract platform that achieves throughput of 31,000+ TPS and consistently h...
Peur 590} Views
Revolutionising Marketplace Beyond Ordinary<br>By developing the Peur marketplace, payment solution & payroll integration, we enable merchants to participate in...
Pigzbe 674} Views
A Piggy-Wallet Not a Piggy Bank<br>Pigzbe uses the blockchain to make money transfers within families borderless, safe, and instant. By unlocking the potential...
PingPaid 618} Views
Payment Solution and Marketplace<br>PingPaid is THE revolutionary engine that will propel cryptocurrency usage and transaction management on the blockchain. Pin...
Rebglo 708} Views
Rebooting The Global Economy Through Energy Circulation<br>The Rebglo project seeks to address and improve on current cryptocurrency mining inefficiencies with...
Shping 655} Views
Shping Makes Shopping Smarter<br>With Shping, it’s our goal to help consumers make safer, more informed decisions about the products they buy. Now they can also...
Sirin Labs 946} Views
Secure open source consumer electronics<br>SIRIN LABS’ vision is to become the world’s leader in secure open source consumer electronics, bridging the gap betwe...
SONDER 846} Views
Absolute Security Level<br>Project was developed to overcome the main barriers to full integration of blockchain-technologies into e-commerce market – high tran...
Spotcoin 634} Views
Streamlined FinTech Solutions To Access Capital<br>Spotcoin is developing a complete digital asset management toolkit. One intuitive interface that will provide...
stableDEX 709} Views
Decentralized Exchange For Stable Digital Assets<br>The stableDEX platform offers a 100% decentralized peer to peer trading environment. By using stableDEX the...
TokenStars TEAM 827} Views
First celebrity management platform<br>TokenStars is the first celebrity management platform on the blockchain, providing advanced tools and incentives for deep...
British Virgin Islands
VISO 605} Views
Payment System<br>VISO is a solution to a number of problems. VISO resolves buyers’ problems by enabling buyers to make quick and convenient cryptocurrency paym...