
The Investment World<br>Roobee is an investment platform that allows you to fund in any projects with an entry threshold of 10$: users can invest in IPOs, ETFs, the venture capital investment market, real estate, cryptocurrency assets and much more. This project at the was supported by crypto-whale on pre-IEO stage he invested 4.5mln$ in the development of the platform. MVP is already working - the total amount of transactions in the Roobee network exceeded 15 million dollars, all the evidence is on the site ( The first round of IEO at Bitforex was closed in just over an hour, 100btc+ were raised. Thanks to the collected 4.5 million dollars, product is being developed and money in further IEO stages are raising for obtaining licenses and product scaling. During the second IEO on EXMO exchange, Roobee raised 300btc, noteworthy, that first 100 btc were sold in just 8 minutes.<br><br>Company services: Artificial Intelligence, Investment, Platform
Website: Visit
Country: Estonia
Last screenshot taken on 22 May 2020
Roobee ICO
Screenshots taken on 22 May 2020
Blockchain companies
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British Virgin Islands
Smart Contract Powered Retirement Plans<br>Auctus is the world's first blockchain based retirement plan platform, which allows users to create diversified portfolios, consisting of traditional asset classes and cryptocurrencies. Auctus' mission is to empower the retirement saver and provide the information needed to take well-informed decisions by utilizing Ethereum smart contracts and robo advisory.<br><br>Company services: Cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence, Investment, Platform, Smart Contract
PHI Token
Platform for Hybrid Investments<br>The first Wealth Management marketplace that combines traditional finance and the crypto world into a new, higher return and more robust way to invest in the long term.<br><br>Company services: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Investment, Legal, Platform, Software
Unique Crypto Trading Solution<br>OFNOG solution will enable traders to trade more effectively and accurately powered by deep learning methodology and accurate development of Artificial Intelligence. Our solution will be based on Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence. Our expert AI research team will analysis the data of efficient tradersโ€™ buy sale call, crypto exchanges trend analysis, time based behavioral logic of cryptocurrencies. Once the deep learning is done, we will create AI based solution. Once solution will be ready we will test the beta version in different popular decentralized exchanges and finally after all error removal solution will go live. OFNOG is Promoted by seasoned IT professionals from fortune 500 organizations like IBM, HPE, and Accenture. Cost-effective solution for crypto trading Low token price ( $.10), high possibility and scope of increase of token price post ICO completion.<br><br>Company services: Communication, Artificial Intelligence, Cryptocurrency, Internet, Investment, Platform, Software
โ€œRight Nowโ€ Delivery Disruption<br>Zeew is based on the MVP โ€“ commercially available on-demand delivery platform โ€“ ZEEW, which is already operating in 1 country in Europe for the past 6 months and have 58 businesses using us on daily bases.<br><br>Company services: Artificial Intelligence, Business services, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Infrastructure, Internet, Investment, Platform, Smart Contract, Software
Prosperity in your own Hands<br>Imagine having the smartest asset manager in the world who would accept you no matter the size of your fund. Who would trade 24/7 for you to maximise your profit and would never get tired or knows no fear or greed? Someone who is entirely transparent about the positions and the advantages. Introducing Prally, your artificial intelligence at the heart of Bitenny. As a bonus, we also provide you with the opportunity to pay for your purchases online as well as offline using cryptocurrency. Alternatively, you can split the bill between digital and fiat tokens if you need to. The choice is yours.<br><br>Company services: Platform, Investment, Cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence
First Trading Ecosystem<br>FTEC is an an ecosystem of intelligent services and neural networks for conducting effective trading activities on cryptocurrency markets.<br><br>Company services: Artificial Intelligence, Cryptocurrency, Investment, Platform, Software