A fair platform for musicians<br>Voise is a decentralized music streaming and downloading platform that aims to monetize independent artists. Their business model distributes 100% of the revenue to the artists. They want to build an anonymous and decentralized platform using Ethereum's blockchain technology and a personalized token to fit the platform needs.<br><br>Company services: Platform, Entertainment, Art
Website: Visit
Country: Spain
Social media
Last screenshot taken on 20 May 2020
Screenshots taken on 20 May 2020
Blockchain companies
Same categories blockchain companies
Share and Connect Global Music Entertainment<br>iLink2Music is Uniting Artists, Executives & Music Lovers worldwide, regardless of their age, experience, race or beliefs, providing exclusive international music entertainment content, networking, events, contests, prizes, products & services. We also pledge live exclusive global concert/charity fund raising streaming online, as well as feature exceptional co-creation content designed to facilitate & revolutionize the management of online “way of life.” The Company’s approach provides for a people-generated, user-driven structure. In this new environment (“Ecosystem”), the very concept of “producer” is blurred because anyone can broadcast to any number of people anywhere, from their loved ones to the entire planet. What this Ecosystem has lacked up until now is self-awareness (our members & partners are selfaware but the larger world is not) & a few core centralorganizing principles. We believe that both of these will be “emergent properties” if there is a serious effort to broaden.<br><br>Company services: Entertainment, Cryptocurrency, Communication, Art, Internet, Media, Platform, Smart Contract, Virtual Reality
Vezt lets music fans share ownership with artists<br>Vezt lets artists choose portions of their songs to offer for sale to fans, friends, rights-buyers and brands, through an app-based platform that employs blockchain technology to track and collect royalty income. Fractional song monetization for artists through Initial Song Offerings (ISO™) Social media sharing of both artist and rights-buyers activity and playlists Royalty tracking and collection in 137 countries around the world Allows fans, rights-buyers and brands to buy rights across a wide variety of songs and playlists<br><br>Company services: Entertainment, Platform, Art
Bond Film Platform
A New Economic Model for Film and Video<br>Bond Film Platform is one platform to stream content, invest in content and for revenue distribution. Тransparent, fair and blockchain based. Create new content, support your favorite authors, help teams, curate content and become part of the new Film and Media Economy.<br><br>Company services: Art, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Education, Entertainment, Internet, Investment, Media, Platform, Smart Contract, Software, Virtual Reality
Digital Assets For Film Industry<br>NEVIX is a digital asset platform built on Blockchain technology, decentralized, peer-to-peer open source. The Nevix platform creates the ecosystem of the film industry, where Nevix asset holders can be involved directly or indirectly in the film production and distribution process, as producers, spectator, or even both. With the presence of Nevix, filmmakers can work each one other to propose funding support to realize the film project from their ideas through the analysis process, voting and capital participation from asset holders in the Nevix ecosystem, so their idea becomes real work.<br><br>Company services: Art, Business services, Cryptocurrency, Electronics, Entertainment, Investment, Media, Platform, Smart Contract
Absolute Security Level<br>Project was developed to overcome the main barriers to full integration of blockchain-technologies into e-commerce market – high transaction fees, low speed and lack of transparency. We have a number of technical decisions for solving each of these problems: SDK and API instruments will allow to connect cryptocurrency wallets to electronic marketplaces just in few clicks and provide maximum simplicity of payments for goods and services; Anonymous mode of SONDER Wallet with implemented mechanism of obfuscation of transactions and encrypted chat guarantees absolute security for your deals; Fast transactions and zero fees will be provided in SONDER Mainnet to make cryptocurrencies the most efficient payment means.<br><br>Company services: Artificial Intelligence, Art, Banking, Big Data, Business services, Casino & Gambling, Charity, Communication, Cryptocurrency, Education, Electronics, Energy, Entertainment, Health, Infrastructure, Internet, Investment, Legal, Manufacturing, Media, Other, Platform, Real estate, Retail, Smart Contract, Software, Sports, Tourism, Virtual Reality
Crypto Market Ads
Democratize Crypto Advertising & Marketing<br>Crypto Market Ads is new marketplace which solves all crypto advertising and marketing problems by connecting crypto market publishers and advertisers in one place (marketplace is working already). A democratic and decentralized crypto advertisement marketplace – that is the vision behind Crypto Market Ads. Our mission is to not only establish the best marketplace solution for crypto advertising and marketing but also create new blockchain (internet of goods and services) for global sellers and marketplaces. CMA company wants to change how sellers sell their goods and services by creating a truly global P2P (peer-to-peer) ecosystem, where sellers are trustful, and goods and services are instantly available globally through a network of marketplaces. CMA company also wants to deliver interactive online tools such as a drag-and-drop marketplace builder, and an ICO platform for marketplaces to ensure the success of all stakeholders involved. PLEASE READ WHITEPAPER TO UNDERSTAND ALL!<br><br>Company services: Smart Contract, Retail, Real estate, Platform, Other, Media, Manufacturing, Legal, Investment, Internet, Infrastructure, Health, Entertainment, Energy, Electronics, Education, Cryptocurrency, Communication, Charity, Casino & Gambling, Business services, Big Data, Banking, Artificial Intelligence, Art, Software, Sports, Tourism, Virtual Reality