

Swap, Hold, Send, Receive, Earn, Invest, Lend & Borrow crypto & NFT in Multiple Chains using only one 123swap platform.

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Website: Visit
Dates: TBA
Whitelist/KYC: KYC
Country: Lithuania
Token info
Ticker: 123
Platform: Binance Chain
Token Type: BEP-20
ICO Price: 0.05 USD
Accepting: BTC, BSC, ETH, DOT, AD
Hard cap: 40.000.000 (123 tokens)
Q3-Q4 2020
Business Development: Build a strong development, marketing, and core advisory team.<br /> Pre-seed Investment – $60,000. <br /> 123swap Alpha platform release. <br /> 123swap platform features and blockchain discovery phase. <br /> 123swap platform testing and security audits.<br /> Preparation for public 123 token sale. <br /> <br />
Q1-Q2 2021
123swap platform launched on BSC Mainnet.<br /> 123yield launched on BSC Mainnet.<br /> 123gov launched.<br /> Platform preparation for multi chain swaps and yields.<br /> Platform launched on Polychain, Cardano, Ethereum Testnet.<br /> <br />
Q3-Q4 2021
Develop 123swap platform v3 with Limit orders on BSC Mainnet.<br /> Farming, vaults, liquid pools development on BSC Mainnet.<br /> NFT minting and swapping release on BSC Testnet.<br /> Swaps, yields release on Polychain, Cardano, Ethereum Mainnet.<br /> 123bridge v1 realease on BSC, Polychain, Cardano, Ethereum Testenet.<br /> Rewards, bounty programs start to promote 123swap platform.<br /> <br />
Q4 2021-Q1 2022
123swap limit orders on BSC, Polychain, Cardano, Ethereum Mainnet.<br /> 123yield on BSC, Polychain, Cardano, Ethereum Mainnet.<br /> 123nft minting on BSC, Polychain, Cardano, Ethereum Mainnet.<br /> 123bridge v2 realease on BSC, Polychain, Cardano, Ethereum Mainnet.<br /> Community will choose what next blockchains for swap, yield, bridge 123 platform will add (Harmony, EOS, Elrond, Tezos, Solana, Tron, Hyperledger, Hedera, Openchain, Stellar, Crypto chain, Chainlink, Neo, Houbi eco chain, Polkadot or any other chain).<br /> <br />
Q2-Q3 2022
New blockchains add.<br /> 123lend/borrow launc on BSC Testnet.<br /> To be updated in 2022 Q2
Tomas Ambrazas
Co-founder & CEO at 123swap
Participates in a number of projects
Justas Maziliauskas
Technology adviser at 123swap
Participates in a number of projects
Artūras Svirskis
Investor relations adviser at 123swap
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (0)

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