808TA token is an ERC-20 token and based on ETH network. Ethereum smart contracts execute the financial transfers of 808TA token and all sub-tokens. They are driven by all events from the 808TA token and all sub-tokens.
808TA is also supported by a lot of wallets such as: MetaMask, Trust Wallet, MEW wallet, Enjin wallet,... Therefore, people can manage their assets easily with only one interface.
Our plan is making 808TA become a central token with many other sub-tokens. Each sub-token will be used on specific decentralized application (Dapp). And 808TA will become the main token that generate all sub-tokens through staking 808TA progress.
Organization and Development <br />
Develop 808TA smart contract <br />
Build and grow 808TA community <br />
Design new website and logo
Q4 2019
Build 808TA Decentralized Staking Pool Platform <br />
Get listed on the exchanges <br />
Update 808TA ecosystem
Q1 2020
808TA on exchanges with $500 mill to $1+bill in 24hrs volume <br />
Get listed on CMC CoinMarketCap <br />
Develop our 808TA faucet for community.<br />
Planning our satellite Dapps.
Q2 2020
Develop our satellite-token Dapps.<br />
Develop our own exchange platform that allow trading between satellite-token and 808TA.