ACA Network is utilizing blockchain technology to build a next-generation online advertising platform. Our aim is to create a completely fair, transparent system of online advertising transactions.
In accordance with technological advances, the online advertising market has continued to expand. In 2018, the worldwide online advertising market is predicted to exceed $281 billion US, and seems likely to continue to expand further.
However, there is a problem with the online advertising industry. Online advertising agencies that mediate transactions between advertisers and advertising media are exploiting both sides by claiming borderline fraudulently high handling fees. This is the result of the extremely secretive environment in which online advertising transactions take place. Using blockchain technology, we intend to forge ahead into the future of the online advertising industry by disrupting it with a revolutionarily transparent method of making online advertising transactions.
Develop Proof-of-Concept White Paper.<br />
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1. Assess the requirements and challenges of building a team to develop and operate our service.<br />
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2. Solving the expected challenges in the selection and development of the dApp platform with a long-term sustainable ecosystem will be focused.<br />
APR 2018
Launch Official ACA Network Website and Private Sale<br />
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White Paper release and recruitment of initial investors through private sale.
JUN 2018
First Version Development Starts<br />
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The development of ACA-AMS, the foundation of ACA Network, will launch with the advertisement production process and funds transfer.<br />
JUL 2018
Launch Pre-Token Sale<br />
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Take places 3 weeks before the public Token Sale on ACA Website open to the limited group of people who registered.
AUG 2018
Launch Public Token Sale<br />
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Funds required for product development and service operation will be raised through the token sale. We will establish exchange rates for accepted coins. Users can then send the desired quantity of coins to receive corresponding quantity of our token deposited into their account.
SEP 2018
Register as the Issuer of the "Third-Party Advance Payment" Method<br />
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To enable the exchange of JPYT, we will apply to be the issuer of the "third party advance payment" method in accordance with Japan's Law on Payment of Funds.<br />
OCT 2018
Establish a Japanese Corporation to Construct an Operational Management System<br />
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Our Japanese Corporation will be established to build out the ACA network in Japan including advertisers, advertising media and advertising production partners.
FEB 2019
Release of the Currency Token (Provisional Name) Exchange Site<br />
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We will create an exchange site for Currency Token, which is to be used as the standard currency within the ACA Network, and begin token exchange with a 1:1 exchange rate with legal tender. Tokens sold through the exchange will be used within the ACA Network like cash, and their existence as tokens on the blockchain will make for transparency in fund transfer. All exchanges of Currency Token are to be performed within the ACA Network, and trades between third parties are prohibited.<br />
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APR 2019
Open Beta Test for ACA-AMS and ACA-NET<br />
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The ACA Network, ACA-AMS and ACA-NET capable of connecting to advertising media will be launched. After it connection functionality is confirmed, analysis and corresponding improvements with be made.
JUN 2019
Release ACE-EX Beta<br />
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The trading model and efficiency of ACA Network's commercial exchange, ACA-EX, will be verified. The performance of already released ad campaigns will be analyzed to continue developing a sustainable ecosystem.
OCT 2019
Official Service of ACA Network<br />
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The official service implementing all specifications of ACA-AMS, ACA-EX and ACA-NET will launch including required improvements identified during beta testing.