Connecty is looking to streamline the relationship between businesses and research house by serving as the missing link between holders of knowledge and those responsible for transforming knowledge into innovation.
This knowledge ecosystem is setting out to accommodate all scenarios on the spectrum: from a short request for an expert’s opinion to a comprehensive research study that may stretch over a considerable period of time.
It is intended this will be open to all areas of knowledge and all fields of study ranging from physics, engineering and IT systems to ecology, environment and society plus everything in between.
Extraction of key terms from a text.<br />
<br />
Tagging of projects and profiles.
END 2018
Vectorization of documents and calculation of recommendations.
END 2019
Extraction of concepts by grouping words;<br />
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Semantic grouping of terms;<br />
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Collaborative filtering for project and expert recommendations.
END 2020
Text analysis by machine learning for :<br />
<br />
- extraction of a semantic network of concepts<br />
<br />
- sentiment analysis<br />
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- linking of text fragments<br />
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Expertise calculation by page-ranking of members.
END 2021
Automatic learning of synonyms.<br />
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Automatic grouping of texts by domains (evolutive).<br />
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Bringing concepts into different contexts.<br />
END 2022
Research in semi-natural language by :<br />
<br />
- recommandation of terms<br />
<br />
- proposal of related / disjoint / complementary fields<br />
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Help with project or profile writing.