Creation and transfer of coins are based on an open source cryptographic protocol and is not managed by any central authority. Afrolis is a speculative coin that is traded against other cryptocurrencies on exchanges according to market forces.
List Afrolis Lists in ether delta exchange. <br />
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Q4 Price hit target high of one hundred dollar per coin.
List Afrolis Lists in three major exchanges. <br />
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Q4 price hits target high of 1,000 dollars per coin.
Crypto currency financial body's establishment within 5 major sectors in Africa. <br />
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Q4 price hits target high of 10,000 dollars to a coin.
Expand crypto currency operations within Africa <br />
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Q4 price hits target high of 100,000 dollars to a coin. <br />
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List Afrolis on all available crypto exchanges. <br />
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Maintain market price and supply.
Q4 price hits target high of $100,000 <br />
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Increase Listing in Multiple exchanges <br />
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Establish Crypto ATM Initiative. <br />