ALTINDEX is the world's first token index fund. It tracks an own index similar to the Ibex 35 or the S & P 500, designed by experts and automated by the CRIX team (CRiptocurrency IndeX), an index designed for the cryptocurrency market and developed by the University of Humboldt and the University of Administration of Singapore.
ALTINDEX provides a way to track the performance of the ERC 20 tokens as a whole with only holding a single crypto asset, ADEX.
The blockchain technology and the hybrid fund offered by ALTINDEX allows operating with an annual fee of 0.5% compared to 3% offered in the conventional market.
Smart contract development and trading system creation.
Nov - Dec 2017
Completion of the intelligent contract and the trading protocol.
Dec - Gen 2017 / 2018
Test of the trading system in order to ensure its correct functioning.
Mar 2018
Marketing pre ICO.
Mar 2018
Launch of the platform to the public.
Apr - May 2018
ADEX sale to the public.
May 2018
Initial acquisition of the 20 main tokens and first re-balancing procedure.
May - Jun 2018
Public audit of ICO funds.
Jun - Future
Continuous marketing and investor relations.
Public launch in other exchanges.(Extra) Launch of special decentralized MasterCard for ADEX holders. Launching of new financial products under the ALTINDEX brand.