The Andrew Jackson ICO is and Inflationary resistant currency. There is nothing else that exists like it, rising with inflation. We recognize Andrew Jackson's efforts to try and prevent the economic issues we see today. Examples include inflationary pressures, hyper-inflation, and unlike him we include market crash protection. So, in honor of his efforts VHWWP and SBR introduce a coin that holds its value in regard to dollar value from the year 1829, which is also the year in which Andrew Jackson took office in the United States. Yes, that means that the inflation rate of the USD is the only mechanic that affects this currency to rise. This is a stable coin that only rises as USD lowers in value and spending power. If USD is up 1% then ADJ is down 1% of 2941% total. The supply unfortunately is limited and the trading has no effect on the value of the coin. We devised a formula to create 198,200,000 coins at a value of $100USD in 1829. This value is 1% of the total US money supply at the date of inception. Today's current rate is 29.41 per dollar, that is $2,941.58 per 100$ coin The continued development by voting, offers a system that is both public and private. Allowing privacy when you want it, and can be used exactly like cash. It can only be tracked how cash itself is tracked. Essentially this is to meet the requirements by the USA's monetary model for a CBDC program. Our system uses KYC/AML/CFT for a large variety of reasons however, our privacy version of our Coin/token can set your mind at ease. Tracking is not possible, even with a D-ID verification. Technical details of the privacy model will be listed after our first vote on whether or not the currency will be hosted on the Solana Network or the Ethereum Mainnet. We are ready for either one, however we believe Solana fits our needs best.
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