Skill-based Esports Gaming App. Arena Match is a PC gaming esports app that allows gamers to skill-bet on skill challenges and matchmaking to win real money. Arena Match is a PC gaming esports app that allows gamers to skill-bet on skill challenges and matchmaking to win real money. Arena Match is currently in beta with our first supported game PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) and skill challenge game mode. We will be rolling out new game modes and game such as Fortnite, Apex Legends, and CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive).
AMG "Arena Match Gold" will serve as deflationary esports cryptocurrency token used for skill-based betting on popular PC games. We’ve also adopted Enjin’s SDK for ERC-1155 Skill Perk items that will enhance the user experience while providing true ownership on the blockchain.
<p>Partnership proposed to Overwolf.<br><br />
ArenaMatch Company Formation.</p>
January 2019
<p>$100,000 Developer Partnership Grant received from Overwolf and Intel.</p>
February-April 2019
<p>Full-time Design and Development of Skill Challenge esports App.<br><br />
Merchant Partnership Secured.<br><br />
KYC/AML Partnership Secured.<br></p>
June-July 2019
<p>Arena Match Gold token designed and whitepaper creation.<br><br />
Enjin Announcement.<br><br />
Beta MVP Launch of Skill Challenge esports App with Overwolf.<br><br />
IEO Announcement.</p>
August 2019
<p>IEO Starts on ProBit</p>
September 2019
<p>Head to Head (synchronous mode) for CS:GO released (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive).</p>
November-December 2019
<p>Highscore Tournaments are released for all games (asynchronous mode)<br><br />
Battle Royale FFA: this synchronous free for all mode allows solo users to battle it out with up to 100 other users for the top 10 paid positions of the prize pool comprised of the entry fees.<br><br />
Team vs Team (synchronous mode) for CS:GO released (CounterStrike: Global Offensive)</p>