High-tech Ukrainian company, focused on the production of refractories. As a subsidiary of Savex Minerals Enterprise (Ukraine), Armor Ceramic's goal is phasing out the necessity of import, creating of self-sustainable refractory market within Ukraine, and developing transparent blochain-based traking system.
Setup for production of unshaped refractory products (dry concrete mixtures for the production of monolithic lining of metallurgical aggregates).
Setup for production of molded refractory products using the method of vibro-casting (special shaped ceramic products for installation in the areas of mating of different zones of thermal units).
Setup for production of superdense molded refractory products, made using isostatic pressing technology.
Implementation of SupChain as a centralized system in Armor Ceramics.
Implementation and testing of Supchain based on Ethereum Blockchain. Connecting suppliers and Armor Ceramics partners to Supchain. Expansion of the system to the regional metallurgical market among refractory products consumers.
Extending of the Supchain to be compatible to any kind of product. Establishing of representative offices in Europe, Russia, North America. Marketing research of accounting and business specific traits in these regions.