

The decentralized continuous audit and reporting protocol ecosystem “DCARPE™ uses a GAAP and IFRS compliant smart contract platform to
AuditChain provides the presentation of balance sheet, income statement, cash flow and statement of changes in stockholders’ equity reports in real time, or “every block”.

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Website: Visit
White paper: Read
Dates: TBA
Token info
Ticker: AUDT
Token Type: ERC20
Available for sale: 160,000,000 AUDT (80%)
Raised $ 2,500,000
Screenshots taken on 5 Feb 2018
Paul Ostling
Regulatory and Government Affairs
Participates in a number of projects
Joshua Yabut
M.S., OSCP, OSCE Co-Founder & Technical Lead
Participates in a number of projects
Jason Meyers
Participates in a number of projects
Georges Medawar
Director of Business and Community Development
Participates in a number of projects
Touradj Ebrahimi
Participates in a number of projects
Duncan Johnson
Community Development
Participates in a number of projects
Rimas Vaitauskas
Strategic Development, Accounting and Assurance
Participates in a number of projects
Charles Hwang
Business Development
Participates in a number of projects
Bogdan Fiedur
Full Stack Developer
Participates in a number of projects

Advisors (4)

Nemanja Nikitovic
Participates in a number of projects
Yaroslav Belkin
Participates in a number of projects
Scott Price
Founder and Chief Executive Officer of A-lign
Participates in a number of projects
Jonathan Mohan
Strategic Planning
Participates in a number of projects
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We intend to develop MeconCash into a platform that allows user’s assets to be transferred and traded between different types of services by integrating point reward systems, contents purchase, and settlement, which are currently operated separately between existing services and those under development. To that end, we will build the reward and settlement system, develop the API to connect it with other services, and build an ecosystem that can be used in the on- and off-line real economy. All this will ensure the usability, connectivity, and sustainability of MeconCash. We will develop a variety of mobile-based applications, games, and contents on the platform and link it with such services as online marketplaces where users can purchase products. The reward system used by a service generally invalidates the rewards owned by users when the service is terminated. MeconCash, however, can transform the rewards obtained from using our services into valuable assets. As such, users will be able to fulfill the demand for new services with MeconCash even when the services they use are terminated, make transactions between them, and use the assets in the real economy. We will stabilize the MeconCash ecosystem by developing new blockchain-based businesses and linking it with external services which already exists. Additionally, MeconCash will be available in 70% of ATMs in Korea so that users can directly withdraw MeconCash to fiat money.
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