We want to offer you the easiest way to earn cryptocurrencies. In order to do that, we created the azultec Cube, a state-of-the-art mining computer. With the Cube, you can earn cryptocurrencies through mining, by being part of our decentralized cloud storage solution and by joining our cloud computing network. The best part: the Cube uses renewable energy and recuperates the generated heat – making the Cube environmental-friendly.
Prototype and Beta test for cooling solutions at 46°C ambient temperature.<br />
Cube First Generation (Cube 400/300/200).<br />
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Fuel Cell Beta Phase.<br />
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Software Test and Mining Network Beta.<br />
Phase azultec Office Expansion.<br />
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Recuperation and PV Cube.<br />
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Expansion of Cube sales to Asia and the USA.<br />
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Rendering software connection.<br />
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Enabling the Cubes to perform rendering tasks will become another milestone of the project.<br />
Special Mining 19“Racks ready for wind parks, business solution.<br />
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additional Recuperation and PV Home Solutions offer.<br />
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Crypto Trading platform listing.<br />
Deep Learning Special Cubes, new PCB Layouts for 8x 16 PCIe (Server mainboards).<br />
Cloud Storage Launch.<br />
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Chargers with recuperation functionality for the automotive sector.<br />
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Container Mining Solutions/Wind parks and Photovoltaic parks (EEG).
Industry 4.0 / IoT / Home Server Software and Hardware upgrades for Cubes