BatMine will open a professionally built and operated crypto mining center in the European Union with the fastest hash power and lowest electricity rates available. This jurisdiction was chosen for its safe environment, an abundance of low cost green energy, and excellent taxation. The mines will operate, depending on how much we raise, up to 10,000 miners. The miners will be housed in environmentally and economically
Conception of the idea to do an ICO. Market research into ICOs and into legal options of profit sharing with investors. Verification of Silent Partnership Framework with the Czech National Bank.<br />
Q1 2018
Market research, concept brainstorming.
Q2 2018
Project concept formulation, Market research, Gathering information on the newest technology, Profit sharing concept, First ICO Drafts
Q3 2018
ICO preparation, Whitepaper, Investment Agreement, Website etc.
Q4 2018
ICO finalization, preliminary contact with institutional investors.
Q1 2019
ICO execution.
Q2 2019
Location for the mine, Electricity connection, Purchase of the needed Equipment, all setup- and preparatory activities, installation of first miners.
Q3 2019
Miners installled and mining. First profit sharing.