We have developed what we call a multi-language BEE APP and house building tool computer application that will help you buy a piece of land, hire architects, construction specialists as well as legal and financial experts, or otherwise, professionally buy and sell ready-made houses and apartments, all in one package in almost all parts of the world from one place at BEE Cashback Project.
BEEnet Association was formed;<br />
FCC - Fair Construction Code.
BEE Cashback Home was formed;<br />
Second business plan.
Q1 2018
Partner acquisition;<br />
First BEE app layout;<br />
First projects with house builders;<br />
Layout of the FCC - Fair Construction Code.
Q2 2018
Partner acquisition home building;<br />
BEE Home presentations in AT, DE, IT, NL, S, CZ;<br />
Legal contract;<br />
Product development.
Q3 2018
BCH Project was formed;<br />
BEE app development;<br />
Home building tool launched;<br />
ICO planing.
Q4 2018
Beta version BEE app;<br />
Marketing % Sale BCH ICO;<br />
Roadshows - HU, AT, DE, SK, CZ, UK, TR, TH, JP, ZY, SLO, CR, USA, AE, RU, CH;<br />
ICO Pre-sale.
Q1 2019
Roadshows FL, NYC, LA;<br />
ICO start;<br />
Workshop home building;<br />
Planning the first BEE Center;<br />
Congress with Architect;<br />
Launching BEE App.