BBOT is a BEP20 cryptocurrency used to purchase, upgrade and earn from Binabots, it can be exchanged at PancakeSwap for BNB and other BEP20 Tokens. BBOT can be staked on our upcoming yield farm to earn BNB or various tokens on launchpad. Binabots are battle bots that lives in Binance smart chain, each robot have its own stats which helps win battles. Binabots can be used in dungeron quests and battles to earn BBOT which is the official currency for binabots. To save transaction fees Binabots can be played completely off-chain, all you need is sync your wallet by signing on your wallet and you your bots will summon in game, 0 transaction fees. The only time your would ever need to pay transactions is to withdraw BBOT.
Fair Launch - Airdrop of BBOT and Energy<br />
<br />
During this phase early users will be able to claim BBOT token every day directly to their metamask, also would be able to farm energy on their dashboard and save it on the website wallet.<br />
February 2022
Bot sale over, Token add to Markets<br />
NFT bots founder pack sale will be over, bots any unsold bots are burned.<br />
Token sale at 0.002 BNB each<br />
BBOT token liquidity collected during airdrop will be added to PancakeSwap.<br />
April 2022
BBOT Minting & Missions<br />
<br />
Release of bot minting feature using bbot token.<br />
Start of daily earning missions.<br />
Beyond<br />
Player VS Player & More<br />
<br />
Coming features to be announced.