Block Collider

Block Collider

Cryptocurrencies are "walled gardens" which cannot reuse, trigger, or execute transactions with other blockchains. If Alice wants to execute Bob’s smart contract, she can only send cryptocurrency from the blockchain on which Bob deployed the smart contract. This lack of cooperation stifles innovation and forces users to place unwarranted trust in validators or centralized exchanges. Merging blockchains together into Block Collider is like building roads between buildings. Hypothetically, one could build a building that has everything, but in practice some buildings are built to work in, some are built to live in — as long as citizens want to be in multiple buildings at different points in time, roads are valuable and necessary.

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Token info
Q2 2018
Code Walkthrough Session<br /> <br /> Block Collider Multichain Browser<br /> <br /> Foundation mining operations<br /> <br /> Full Comments on Block Collider codebase<br /> <br /> Public Roadmap<br /> <br /> Strategic hires<br /> <br /> Add rovers and fingerprints for respective blockchains<br /> <br /> Liquidity Event #<br /> <br /> Fixed Miner Softnet launch<br /> <br /> Create Miner Softnet launch<br /> <br /> Deploy Browser/CPU/GPU Versions of BC Miner<br /> <br /> Unit Tests: 90% Coverage<br /> <br /> Genesis Block Distribution after ICO<br /> <br /> Mining MainNet Launch<br /> <br /> Web Wallet and Investor Portal
Q3 2018
Developer IDE<br /> <br /> Enterprise mining partnerships<br /> <br /> Open NYC, USA Office<br /> <br /> Independently Audit Compiler, Consensus Mechanism, and Scalability Solutions<br /> <br /> Private investors summit<br /> <br /> Gartner Study on interoperability<br /> <br /> Open Brno, CZ Office<br /> <br /> Multi-Asset Decentralized Exchange (MADEX) Boilerplate GUI<br /> <br /> Ledger Wallet integration<br /> <br /> BC (EMB) asset on CoinMarketCap<br /> <br /> NRG assets CoinMarketCap<br /> <br /> Market Making & OTC tab added to portal.<br /> <br /> YubiKey integration
Q4 2018
Announce BlackOps Conference<br /> <br /> Scheduled Liquidity Event #1<br /> <br /> Traditional FX Market Data added to MADEX<br /> <br /> Add New Blockchains Wave 1<br /> <br /> Demo API (Financial Services)<br /> <br /> After Hours Mining Protocol added to portal.<br /> <br /> Block Collider Merchandise.<br /> <br /> Build a true and functioning version of orchid protocol<br /> <br /> ERC721X Conference<br /> <br /> Binance Coin (BNB) Integration<br /> <br /> Localized internship program in Czech Republic.<br /> <br /> Build On Platform Agnostic DEX (Raspberry Pi)<br /> <br /> MADEX turret data feed provided to CND, Gemini, CMOE<br /> <br /> Open Collider Capital office in Singapore<br /> <br /> Deploy Sixth Hidden Chain<br /> <br /> Scheduled Liquidity Event #2<br /> <br /> Capital management licenses in the UK, EU, and USA.<br /> <br /> Stable instrument builder tab added to protocol.<br /> <br /> Add/remove blockchains through distributed governance. <br /> <br /> Release Mining-Specific Android Build
Q1 2019
Announce University Partnership Program<br /> <br /> Financial Services Data product<br /> <br /> MADEX 3rd-Party vendor liquidity channel<br /> <br /> Add New Blockchains Wave 2<br /> <br /> Sponsor Global Meetups for “Togetherness Initiative”<br /> <br /> Muskian "Neuralink" Wallet ID<br /> <br /> Pilot program 3031121 for secondary market assets<br /> <br /> Add New Blockchains Wave 3<br /> <br /> MADEX Bloomberg Terminal<br /> <br /> MADEX Auditing<br /> <br /> Implement Blockchain Defragmenting Tool<br /> <br /> Token to Coin transfer added to 3rd party DEXs<br /> <br /> Codename “Spectrum” Prototype<br /> <br /> DNSNET and Level 3 Communication added to portal<br /> <br /> Launch Ecosystem Penetration Testing Suite<br /> <br /> Emblem ticker (EMB) is added to 3rd party vendors.<br /> <br /> Scalability Upgrade I: 50-107 Blockchains<br /> <br /> Launch SuperCollider
Arjun Raj Jain
Participates in a number of projects
Patrick McConlogue
Co-Founder, Core Developer
Participates in a number of projects
Craig Weisman
Participates in a number of projects
Tomas Korcak
Participates in a number of projects
Patrick Schilz
Board Member
Participates in a number of projects
Adam Kloboucnik
Core Developer
Participates in a number of projects
Ian Simpson
Marketing & Communications
Participates in a number of projects

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Our Armacoin GZM coin is specially designed for advertising companies, various media, various greetings registered on the basis of blockchain. Each new message will not be overwritten by the previous one, but will be supplemented. These advertisers can be quite a lot and each of them will receive a payment for their advertising message. The cost of this one message will be 1 GZM. A specific function and variable were added in this coin. The function «Set-Messange» and the global variable «Messange» that is permanently stored in the blockchain. The «SetMessange» function adds a line to the «Messange» function and the 1 GZM is removed from the account of the one who calls this function and transfers this 1 GZM to the advertiser's account. This coin is like a prototype of a Billboard, where the owners of this token, that is, advertisers, can place a message in the contract line for only 1 GZM. The advertiser can place this message on the billboards in different cities, on websites and all visitors will see what is specified in the global parameter of the messange. This coin was created on the ERC-20 contract. The total number of issued and coins for mining does not exceeds 1 billion. The mining of this coin is also unique because it allows to generate GZM tokens with low power renewable energy. This leaves most of the green energy to use for the network, while the miner can use the opportunity to acquire new tokens. We are also developing applications for this smart contract and will give the opportunity to mine these tokens using renewable energy sources, various gadgets with installed pedometers apps, electric vehicles, fitness bracelets and much more. Everything will be done for environmentally friendly and safe mining, as well as for the stimulation of a healthy lifestyle of the people living on our planet. We will encourage everyone who cares about the purity and ecology of our planet.
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ICO HeadStart™ is the safest ICO fundraising platform in the world. Our experienced team of compliance experts award only carefully selected ICOs with a seal of approval after screening before these ICOs get listed on the ICO HeadStart™ platform adhering to give our community access to the best possible ICO proposals and the highest security standards in the ecosystem. In return for ETH and BTC the community receives MOAT along with voting points. Through voting the community decides which of these ICOs get funded. Elected projects receive their funds through Escrow 2.0 after the smart contract conditions have been met. ICO HeadStart's profits will be shared for 100%: 80% will be used to exchange back MOAT from the community and 20% will be used to give funded ICOs a head start. Decentralized, transparant, simple, honest.
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